An End To Love

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----- nobody pov----

The league was delighted to see the kids again. Expecially there loving mother. But the father wasn't in such a jolly good mood at all.

The mother noticed and put down her sons. She walked over to him and took him into a room. He barely even listened but yet still went in.

"Baby? What wrong? You seem sad or annoyed."

"It's nothing I just–saw someone I didn't wanna see."

"Well who was it? Can I help with it?"

"You'll make it worse. And drama and stupid shit is gonna happen."

"Keigo...... Is that who you saw. 'Cause if so them I'm not mad at all. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Well while twice was killing the cameras he came up to me while I was hidden on the woods waiting for my turn. He pushed me up against the tree and......he kissed me..... I tired to shove him off but he hit me in my side which is why I was panting in the car. He hit me pretty hard "

"Did he......rape you?"

"No......well....kinda... I mean he took my pants off. And he was about to y'know "suck". That's until he heard you come up from behind me. He quickly sprinted away."

"Is that right?.... Is that why you ignored me?"

"I...I didn't mean to ignore you....I was just lost in thought. After what he did to me I just...."

"Sit down. I'll go get some water and talk to shoto about the baby incident. Okay?"

"All right."

As the beautiful villain walked out of the room she went up to shoto. He looked at her with guilt in his eyes. Wishing he had never agreed to do what he did.

But sadly shoto had to tell the truth. Not the truth about the kids. But the truth about his older brother dabi.

"So....why exactly did you take our children?"

" I can't tell. He will kill me if I do!"

"Who?" She said annoyed by shoto's antics.

"Hawks!" He whispered.

"Huh? Tell me in my ear."  She whispered back.

After the whisper she came into tears. Thinking about why he would lie to her. She looked at shoto as her face was now soaking wet.

Dabi ran into the room with bruises all along his body. Some of his burnt skin being chipped away to do being scratched. The league looked at him and he looked at tomura.

"What the hell happened to you!" Tomura yelled.

"E-endeavor. But th-thats not important. W-why you are *wheeze* crying is i-important."

" Dabi....I-i don't understand. You were in our room and now you bussing through the front door in scars, cuts, and bruises! Please tell me... What happened to you and be honest!"

"Look I saw him about to break through the wall. I wasn't thinking straight ah~ fuck! I wasn't thinking straight and jumped out the window blasting my flames. And- *wheeze!* I jumped in my flames by accident."

The villain of beauty looked at her boyfriend. She ran up to him and hugged him.  He hugged back as his body relaxed to the cold temperature of his partner. He kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear.

"This relationship needs to end....he is out for me and I want to die without you knowing......I want you to think Im alive when I'm not....I just don't want your heart to break when he does kill me...he knows my weakness.... so please tenko....... End this before I die and please take care of the kids..." He said before collapsing.

The look on tomura's face. All the shit that they have been through. All the arguments and all the sex scenes. The pregnancy and the delivery. The kids and the rescue. An it all came down to this.

The death of touya. The lying sun of a bitch himself.

She thought about what shoto had said. She thought back to the memories of her and dabi being together in school. Maybe he didn't love her because she went back to being a girl. Maybe.

She thought deep on what he said.

"He told me he and hawks planned the whole thing from day one when he smiled at you in that class room. Though he did fall in love with you at one point. He said it was a bathroom incident. But when he figured you were a girl he completely broke. He told me that he permanently hates you for tricking him. Im with you though. You do deserve him! And hawks is trying to kill him. Please try your best to get him back!"

783., Rar!

U̸N̸T̸I̸L̸ Y̸O̸U̸ C̸A̸M̸E̸ /𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓭𝓪𝓫𝓲/ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now