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Idf like writing smut so we are gonna skip to shiggy being pregnant. Why am I obsessed with pregnant shiggy x dabi? I don't know! But I'll take the criticism! Bit y'all it's not me it's my brain!

----dabi pov---

It's been eight months and shiggy is showing a lot! I have no idea how many are in there since we can't go to the hospital. Yeah we are kinda... wanted.

I walked up behind her and rubbed her stomach. Feeling the baby kick is just insane. It doesn't feel real. But trust me, it's real to shiggy.

" many do you think are in there?"

"I'm hoping just one or two but sometimes I feel four kicks at once. And sometimes I feel five at once! How fertile are you?"

"I thought it depends on the woman's. Does it not?"

" I don't know. But I look really huge so there is more than one in there. Or it is one it's really big and I'm not pushing it out!"

"Don't worry you don't have to!"

Toga walked in the bar area that we where in. She waved and immediately ran over to tomura. She started playing with her stomach (incase you don't know I hate saying belly. it sounds so nasty! So ya.) Tomura looked very uncomfortable so I decided to say something.

"Hey! Himiko. Your making her uncomfortable. If you could please stop I think she'll feel better!"

"Oh! I'm so sorry tomy! Here. I'll stop." She said smiling.

She looked more okay once toga had stopped. But we are trying to figure out how many we are gonna have exactly. I'm hoping it's two or one really huge baby. But if it's over two I don't think I can handle it. I was only old enough to take care of two of my siblings!

After the little meeting we say down and ate breakfast. Shiggy ate some fruit but her options were very limited. She couldn't have her two most favorite fruits. Grapes and pineapple.

Everything was quiet until we heard I slight thud on the table. I looked at shiggy who looked to be in pain. I grabbed her hand and she was squeezing it extremely tight.

Her face cleared and she tried to go back to eating. That was until a warm liquid started to run down her leg. It had some red in it which was probably blood. She looked up at me and let out a ear piercing scream.

I had no idea what to do. One because we are villains and we are wanted. Two, because this has never happened to me a day on my life! This is my first time dealing with a woman in labor.

Kurogiri makes a warp telling us to go in. Be and Kurogiri are friends now but I still don't trust him. I understand that he is tomura's father too but can you really trust someone that is a big pile of gas? No, no you can't.

I went through anyway due to shiggy being in pain. Sorry not pain. Torture and suffering. Because I know for a fact that there is more than one in there.

We meet a doctor and a weird looking man. And yes when I say weird I mean WEIRD! No eyes and a wrinkly ass forehead! Like aoop jumpscare! The doctor told me and shiggy to go into a room while he got everything together.

After a while he came back in and finally! FINALLY! It was time to meet my kids!

---------------------_-------------------time skip brought to you by the kids! Dabi pov---

Four. FOUR FUCKING KIDS! HELL NO! This isn't real. This is a dream. It's fake!

Yeah no it's not fake. Tomura spent seven hours giving birth to quadruplets. We only came up with two names. There are two girls and two boys. So we got really lucky. I wanted boys and she wanted girls.

But we have no idea what to name them. This is gonna be fun! Yeah no the hell it's not.

678 I'm not a whore! I just really like seeing dabis dick in shigarakis ass

U̸N̸T̸I̸L̸ Y̸O̸U̸ C̸A̸M̸E̸ /𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓭𝓪𝓫𝓲/ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now