Not All Birds Are Bad

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Summary: When Eddy mysteriously ends up in Los Angeles, he meets a mysterious bird at an observatory

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Summary: When Eddy mysteriously ends up in Los Angeles, he meets a mysterious bird at an observatory. Despite his hatred of birds, Eddy forms an unusual bond with this one.

Beware of swearing

Eddy never forgave Edd since that day. The whole report card incident. It was ironic since Rolf was the one who delivered the report cards. But Edd was originally the one who was supposed to deliver the cards.

Eddy was grounded for two weeks because of his grades. During this time, whenever he was at school, he ignored Edd. Eddy wasn't gonna give his former friend a second chance.

Even though Ed received the worst punishment, he forgave Edd. But Eddy was furious. Edd was a teacher's pet. He thought that sticking up to the authority was more important than his friends.

Eddy continued to ignore him. He haven't done a single scam, but he was too angry at Edd to care. One day, Edd tried to make it up to Eddy shortly after he was ungrounded. However it didn't work, as Eddy was still angry with him.
As this was the twelfth time Edd bothered over trying to apologize, Eddy didn't bother yelling at him like he did the other times. He just slammed the door on his face.

Edd may be intelligent, but he was stupid to believe he would ever get any forgiveness from Eddy for that taunt. He knew  that Ed's punishments were harsher than any other kid's. Ed forgave him because of how kind and sweet he was. But he wasn't gonna get any of Eddy's forgiveness.

However, it didn't take long for Eddy to forgive Edd one day. It was quite strange. Eddy only remembered just climbing into bed one night. However, a minute later, he woke up in someplace different.

It was some observatory, and he was standing outside. Ahead of him was a large city very far from where he was, all he could see being bright yellow lights.

Eddy was confused and even shocked. Did he sleep walk here? How far was he from Peach Creek? Eddy then heard what sounded like crying. The sound of a young girl. Sobbing sadly.

Curious, Eddy walked right upstairs of the observatory, and saw that he wasn't the only one that was here. There was some teen up here. Taller than he was. Maybe she was older, like 16 or 17.

Her back was turned, so Eddy didn't see her face. She was wearing some black beret on her head with a yellow crown on it, she wore a black jacket, with reddish pink dress with long sleeves, light yellow stars scattered at over. She wore black boots, and purplish gray hair.

Eddy looked at what was underneath her dress and gasped. There were three tail feathers. 'Is she some bird person?' Eddy thought.

The girl had heard his gasp and turned her head. Eddy had caught a glimpse of her face for the first time and gasped again. "YOU'RE A BIRD?!" He screamed, as she had the face of an owl. White face, with a sharp round beak with a black tip. Her eyes were reddish pink with glowing white pupils.

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