A Cat's Parents

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Summary: One night while sleeping with one of her beloved lovers, Catnap, a strange cat Bella had never seen before breaks into Home Sweet Home. Turns out, the cat is actually Catnap's  mother. But Catnap is not all thrilled due to her abandonment. After the first encounter doesn't go well, Catnap tells Bella and Hoppy the story of how his family abandoned him. But is there more to the story? Can Catnap's parents really be forgiven?


Bella slowly opened her eye. She swore she heard what sounded like the door to the house opening, along with stomping footsteps.

It was one of those nights where she had lulled into a calm, peaceful sleep, cuddling next to the big purple cat after a big beautiful date.

Bella looked over and saw that Catnap was still sleeping, and knew pretty well that he couldn't be the one making the noise.

She slowly rose up. "What was that?" She asked herself as she looked around the room. No signs of whatever could've made the noises.

"Probably just the wind or something," Bella said with a yawn, before collapsing back onto the bed, closing her eye as she went back to sleep.

But then...


At the sudden sound of the floor squeaking, Bella jolted awake, grabbing a nearby flashlight and shining it at the culprit. It was a cat she never even seen before.

The cat monster had cream colored fur, black eyes with white pupils, a tuft of fluffy hair on her head, white paws with yellow claws, and fluffy fur on her neck. There were shades of brown on her neck fur, arms and legs, and the tip of her tail.

"What the?" Bella said in a surprise, and the giant cat quickly pounced onto her before she could react any further.

The two crashed through the door and into the living room. The cat slammed Bella onto the ground and pinned her down, preventing the demon from escaping.

"I'll give you ten seconds, you...thing!" The giant cat growled. "Where is my son?!"

"Your son?" Bella was still shocked, having never saw this coming. "I don't know where your son is. I don't think I even met him before."

"I know you and your monstrous kind are keeping him hostage!" The giant cat said angrily, picking Bella up by the neck. "Now, I'm gonna ask again. Where is he?!"

Bella was about to say something. She was gonna tell the cat she was attacking the wrong person. But a loud roar reached their ears.

Bella and the large cat looked in the doorway to see an angry-looking Catnap, growling as he had his claws out. "LET HER GO!"

The large cat dropped Bella, who fell back first onto the ground and sat up as Catnap charged towards the attacker. Catnap and the giant cat ended up in a shuffle, biting and clawing at each other.

However, the cream colored cat stopped her attack when she grabbed Catnap after taking another look at him. "Son? Is that you?" The cat asked in surprise, seeming to have recognized Catnap.

"I'm not your son!" Catnap told her. "I have no mother!"

With that, Catnap freed himself and shoved the cat away from him, who collided into the wall, almost knocking down a portrait of Playtime Co.

"No, I don't believe it. It has to be you. We look just like each other."

The cat lunged at Catnap, going into another shuffle as Catnap had his claws against the cream colored feline's own, trying to push her back.

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