Mother's Day

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Summary: Bella spends  Mother's Day with her newborn son, Brenner.


It was a feeling Bella always felt when she was with her little babies. She was sitting in the rocking chair with her current newborn, Brenner.

In her arms was the son of one of her two favorite jesters, Bittergiggle. It made her glow with joy that the little infant had taken a lot from his father. He had some spikes on the bottom of his head, and the right side of his body was also spiky. He also had a snake arm, and he was split into two different colors. One was his father's purplish blue color, and the other  was his mother's shiny yellow.

Bella chuckled as the infant had stuck one of her fingers in his mouth and began nibbling on it. She was used to this sort of thing.

Even though the pregnancies were often unplanned, she still enjoyed being pregnant. After all, year by year, she was carrying little bundles of joy.

Today was one of those special days. Mother's Day. The day where she just enjoys a time to herself and the baby. She loved her children just as much as she loved the rest of her family.

That fact that she kept getting pregnant allowed her to continue motherhood. "You're just as funny as your father," Bella whispered as she gently took her finger out of the baby's mouth.

Brenner paused, and looked up at his mother with curiosity. Bella's eye widened from excitement. She slowly began to pull Brenner closer, then slowly changed her eye into a open mouth.

She planted her mouth onto her son's stomach, and then blowed. From the sudden raspberry she had blown on his belly, Brenner bursted out into a giant fit of laughter, kicking his little feet out.

Bella giggled as she pulled away, turning her mouth back into an eye, watching as her son's giggles died down. Brenner looked into her eye, as he smiled innocently. "When will you guys ever stop getting cuter?" Bella chuckled at her newborn's cuteness before standing up from the rocking chair, holding the infant close to her chest.

"Let's go check on Daddy, okay?" She whispered to the baby, who let out a happy coo.

The demon mother floats into the kitchen where one of her many husbands are. He was baking up some pancakes on a pan. Usually it was Bella that cooked and baked most of the meals in the house, but there were times where someone else would occasionally step up to the task. Of course, Mother's Day was a great example.

"So....what do you think the kids are gonna get me this year?" Bella started, as she placed a hand on one of Bittergiggle's hips.

"Well...what do you want them to get you?" Bittergiggle chuckled as he blushed a bit.

"You know I don't mind what kind of things they get me," Bella told the jester. "I'd still love them regardless."

"I know," Bittergiggle smiled. "I just want you to be surprised is all. "

"You all do," Bella giggled, and she held up Brenner, who began to giggle upon seeing his daddy. "It's kinda funny. This little bundle of joy is already three days old, and it's already my first Mother's Day with him."

"Yeah, it is," Bittergiggle smiled as he brought up a finger up to the baby, which he happily grasped it, wrapping his tiny fingers around it.

"I was thinking that for Mother's Day we could take him out to Autumn Blaze's village," Bella suggested. "She planned a special play that we're sure Brenner will enjoy."

"I think that's a good idea," Bittergiggle smiled. "Sheriff Toadster might even be there."

"Yeah," Bella beamed. "He was always very fond of Brenner ever since he was born."

"Remember that face he made when we let him hold him for the first time?" Bittergiggle asked with a snicker.

"How could I forget?" Bella almost bursted out laughing.

The memory was stuck in their heads. Brenner wasn't really that long ago. As soon as Sheriff Toadster and Autumn Blaze walked into the room, they locked eyes with the little infant.

Bittergiggle asked if Toadster wanted to hold him. Toadster calmly agreed, and the jester took the time to gently put up the baby  in his arms and place it into Toadster's own.

Toadster tried to keep a straight face. He was a sheriff, so it was natural for him to try to remain cool. But upon looking into the baby's innocent-looking eyes made him lose it.

And it didn't take long for him to collapse on his knees in happy tears with the baby sitting innocently in his arms.

"Even Toadster couldn't resist cute babies," Bella chuckled. "Let's pay him a visit, shall me?"

Bittergiggle nodded. Later, after they ate the pancakes, alongside some bacon Bittergiggle was happy enough to cook, they were ready to leave.

Bella had grabbed the harness that many of her lovers and friends often used when carrying her babies to other places.

She strapped the harness on and gently placed Brenner into it, who happily giggled and started clapping his eyes together.

Before leaving, the two shared a long, deep affectionate kiss. Of course, like a lot of her children when they were babies, Brenner let out an annoyed whimper, wanting a kiss as well.

Bittergiggle gently pulled Brenner out of the harness and gave him a small kiss on the forehead. Then he handed her over to Bella, who turned her eye into a small mouth, planting a small kiss on the baby's cheek.

The baby jester giggled and cooed as Bella lovingly placed him back into the harness. With that, the two parents held hands as they went on their way to attend the play.

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