Two Horses and One Unicorn

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Summary: One night, after many years, Craftycorn's father returns, much to his daughter's anger. When a shuffle between the two catches Gangle's attention, Craftycorn tells the story of how she was abandoned by her family and turned into the new face she was now.


It was a calm and peaceful night, Craftycorn was sleeping soundly in her house. Having finally gotten home from being away from her family in Amphibia, she deserved a little rest.

Gangle was sleeping with her, having become a little clingy ever since. Not that the unicorn blamed her. They were stranded in Amphibia for two months, having gone through a lot of trouble and near death experiences, way more than usual.

Due to the stress of the fear of losing Craftycorn again, Hubby Horse went on a guys night out with Rowdy Rabbit to calm him down a bit, so it would just be Craftycorn and Gangle for the rest of the night.

Of course, Craftycorn's kids, Craftina and Cornelius, were here as well, having been put to sleep before she and Gangle headed off to bed.

After what she and her friends have been through in Amphibia and after the stress everyone went through after two months of their disappearance, it was nice to get some closure for a while.

However, as Craftycorn slept with Gangle softly cuddling with her, she felt a shadow raise over her. "Huh-WOAH!" Craftycorn screamed in shock, after she slowly opened her eyes to a shadowy figure approaching her.

She fired a punch to the figure's face, knocking him onto his bottom. "Geez, kid," the figure started as Craftycorn stood up from the bed and turned the lights on. "You can really pack a punch."

"I'm not a kid!" Craftycorn pointed out.

"You'll always be one to me," the figure pulled his hooves away from his face as he looked up at her with a warm smile. "My little picasso."

"Picasso?" Craftycorn couldn't believe it. The figure looked familiar. He was a tall smiling critters. He was a yellow horse, with a white muzzle, dark brown nose, and a straight dark brown mane. His arms and legs were white with dark brown hooves.

"Don't you remember your nickname?" He asked. "Honey, it's me. It's your dad!"

"My dad?" Craftycorn said, before glaring angrily as her ears pinned back. "You're back?"

"Yep, and I'm here to-" before he could finish, Craftycorn fired another punch directly to his face. The punch sent her father crashing into the living room, into a table and landing hard on his back.

"Oww," he rubbed at the pain on his head before Craftycorn then grabbed him by his neck.

"You think you can show up here now? After leaving me in the dust all those years ago?!" Craftycorn angrily asked as she repeatedly punch him in the face.

"I came to help!" Her father told her before she then picked him up by the neck again.

"As you can see, I don't need your help!" She angrily pointed out. "I have a new family, and a new home, and I want you to stay out of it!"

She pushed him away into a wall, but before she could attack him any further, Gangle, who had woken up from the commotion, rushed in between them and intervened.

"Craftycorn, what are you doing?" She asked in shock.

"Out of my way, Gangle!" Craftycorn told her lover. "I'm getting rid of this deadbeat dad, once and for all!"

With that, she started running forward to attack her father. However, Gangle stopped her, restraining her with her ribbons.

"Hold on a minute!" Gangle said as she looked at the yellow horse with confusion. "This is your father?"

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