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Summary: When they find out about the grunkles's mistreatment towards Bella, Billie and Scrimshaw decide to bring out the big guns, much to Lily and Lou's concern.


It was a normal day in Gravity Falls. Birds were singing, the breeze was blowing, and the sun was shining. Anyone would've thought that nothing would possibly ruin such a peaceful day.

However, they would be proven wrong. Just as everything was going well, loud booming gunshots roared through the forest. The bushes ruffled a bit, before the grunkles of Dipper and Mabel, leaped out.

The two had some injuries, as one of them had a broken leg and some of his teeth were missing, and the other wore a neck brace.

The two went scurrying off, despite the limitations their states had put them in, trying to run as fast as they could.

The reason why had slowly stood up from the bush they were just in. One of them was a tall purple cat, with blue eyes, with dark purple stripes, with white paws, and wore a fish skeleton for an earring on his right ear. This was Scrimshaw, the local smuggler from Claw Bay.

Next to him was a light purple goat with blue eyes, purple hair and tipped ears, short yellow horns on her head, a purple spot over her left eye, and a purple spot on her back. Around her neck was a brown collar holding a shiny yellow bell. This was Billie, one of Bella's loyal friends from Goatshire.

With her and Scrimshaw at the time, were Billie's best friends. Lily, a dark gray and white goat with green eyes and a pink ribbon wrapped around her waist, and Lou, a cream colored goat with light brown spots, gray eyes, a pair of gray horns, and a red sweater.

"What a wonderful day for hunting, huh, guys?" Billie smirked while Lily and Lou looked rather nervous. Both Billie and Scrimshaw were holding shotguns, loading them up and ready to continue their torment.

"Um, Billie, don't you think you're taking this a little too far?" Lou asked with a bit of concern.

"Yeah, I think those two already went through enough punishment," Lily nodded. "Can you at least show some compassion for them?"

"We did," Scrimshaw growled, narrowing his eyes as his fingers laid on the trigger. "We gave them a five minute headstart."

"Yeah, and just because someone else already punished them, doesn't we're gonna let them off so easily!" Billie added.

"You two are just overreacting," Lou groaned.

"I'm not saying what those two did wasn't wrong, but come on, shotguns?!" Lily put her arms up. "That's just too much!"

"Oh really?" Billie pouted as she pulled out her phone and shoved it into her friends' faces. "If you really think we're overreacting, check out what they just posted this morning."

The moment Lou and Lily saw the post, they froze,  their pupils shrinking. The post had photos of them about their time with Bella, with texts saying that they're being possessed or being victims of mind games.

One text set them off. "People keep saying Bella is a friend. A hero. Do they actually know that?! Do they even realize who they're following? Bella Cipher? AKA the Daughter of the very thing that could've ended our existence if it weren't for us? Those people... they're so ungrateful....following her, treating her as if she's some true mindless meat puppets."

Lily and Lou gritted their teeth at that insult at the end of the text. Their entire bodies were shaking in blind rage.

Billie and Scrimshaw smirked at their angry look. "So...still teach us some compassion, hm?" Scrimshaw grinned.

"My little mindless meat puppets?" Billie said with a smug look.


Much to Scrimshaw and Billie's surprise, they were in some chopper as Lily and Lou angrily drove it, chasing after Stanford and Stanley, who were running for their lives, way more desperate this time.

"Geez, kids, where did you get this?" Scrimshaw said, as while he was shocked, he was impressed that Billie's best friends managed to acquire something like this.

"And how did you two even manage to hide something like this Goatshire without anyone knowing?" Billie questioned.

"EBAY!" Lily screamed furiously.

"Now shut up and prepare missiles!" Lou screamed angrily as he frailed his arms around. "Missiles!"

Legends have it that Lily and Lou are still chasing them with the chopper.

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