Hopping With the Radio Demon

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Sequel to Encounter Between A Dog and A Spider

Summary: After crossing the portal to Hell and coming across the Hazbin Hotel, Hoppy sees Dogday hiding in one of the hotel rooms from the Radio Demon, and tries to distract him to buy her friend time. Unfortunately, when Hoppy tries to use seduction as a last resort, the Radio Demon takes it seriously and she ends up with more than she bargained for.


Hoppy knew she had to do something. She didn't know who or what he was, and she was sure Dogday didn't either. She could only watch as the tall demon began walking up the stairs.

Hoppy was able to take a quick glance of Dogday, and was able to spot him run directly into one of the rooms. Unfortunately, the demonic monster saw him as well.

Hoppy had gotten a good glance at the demon's face. Pale skinned, with yellow razor sharp teeth carved into a smile, and blood red eyes with radios printed onto them.

The demon seemed very deer-like. He had red hair with deer-like ears popping up, though Hoppy wasn't sure if they were real ears or just his hair. She even spotted a pair of tiny black antlers sticking out of his head.

She has to help Dogday. Even though the demon was smiling when she had a first look at his face, something about him gave Hoppy the expression that he wasn't happy.

She had no time to waste. The demon was getting closer and closer to the hotel room Dogday was in. Shivers slid down Hoppy's spine.

Hoppy moved. "Excuse me sir-" Just as the demon reached his hand towards the door knob, Hoppy grabbed hold of his coat.

Unfortunately, this proved to be somewhat of a mistake as the demon spun his head around in a quick second, so fast before Hoppy could react.

"Obey the five foot rule," the demon growled, sounding annoyed yet angry despite the big scary grin on his face. "It's quite rude to touch others without permission, you know."

"Sorry, mister," Hoppy frowned, slowly letting go of the demon's coat. "I just saw you, and was like, wow, you must be really nice!"

Hoppy shrunk back. Sweat dripped down her fur as she looked up at the demon. The deer-like demon continued to stare at her with those hauntingly eerie eyes, the black hands on the radio ticking away every second.

However, the deer demon's eyes turned into ordinary light red pupils with a blood red sclera, and he bursted into laughter, which began to relieve the little bunny.

"What a energetic little darling!" The demon bent over and patted Hoppy's head. "That's the first time I've ever heard that from anyone."

"Aww, thanks," Hoppy smiled and looked up at the deer-like ears that sticked up out of the demon's hair. "And I love your ears! Can I touch them?"

Hoppy reached one of her curious paws up to touch the fluffy-looking ears on the demon's head. However, the demon gently took hold of her paw and stopped it right there. "Not so fast, darling," the demon chuckled. "If you want to touch these little things, you have to earn that privilege. Not everyone gets to touch them, you know."

"Oh, sorry, sir," Hoppy apologized with a frown. "I'm Hoppy. Hoppy Hopscotch. Do you have a name?"

"Others call me the Radio Demon, but Alastor will do just fine, darling," the demon introduced himself to the green smiling critter. "Now, if you excuse me, I have important matters to attend to."

Chills went down Hoppy's spine, as she watched Alastor reach his hand out towards the door knob. "Wait!"

Once again, Alastor spun his head in a swift motion before Hoppy reacted, though the rabbit regained her composure. "Before you do...um, what you have to do, I just want you to hear this funny joke I heard from a friend of mine."

"Ah, a comedian, are you?" Alastor said, the tone in his voice turning to that of interest.

"Yep, anyways, here's how it goes," Hoppy cleared her throat and started. "Why did the serial killer pour himself some blood?"

"I'm afraid I don't know that one, darling."

"Because he needed milk for his cereal!" Hoppy said, and started giggling. "Because 'serial' kinda sounds like cereal? And-"

"Oh yes, I get it now," Alastor chuckled before his voice became deep and his eyes glowed red as his antlers grew bigger. "Did he add anything else in his cereal? Anything at all?"

"Um....not that I know of?" Sweat poured down Hoppy's head. But the deer demon turned back to normal and chuckled again.

Just as he turned around and was reaching out to the door knob, Hoppy called out again. "Wait!"

At that moment Alastor spun his head back around, though this time Hoppy expected. "I just had a question."

"And what would that be?"

"Since you look like a deer demon, do you have a tail underneath that coat?" Hoppy asked curiously.

Silence. Just as Hoppy was about to say something else, Alastor laughed a bit. "HA, sorry, darling, but that's not really your concern, is it?"

"It was really just a curious question," Hoppy spoke.

"Well, I got important business, so it was nice speaking with you," Alastor bent over and patted Hoppy's head.

The rabbit watched as Alastor stood back up and turned around. The rabbit was running out of options, as the demon's hand was getting closer and closer to the door knob.

At that moment, Alastor froze. He felt something big, but small on his leg. Something alive. A low growl escaped his throat. He hated being touched.

He looked down and saw her. Hoppy. That green fluffy ball of fur. She had her little paws wrapped around his legs and was rubbing her head against him.

The smile never left his face. But deep down, Alastor didn't know what to think at the moment. Deep down, he was a bit flustered by this new behavior.

He looked down to look at Hoppy, who was grinding her teeth together, which allowed her to start purring as she rubbed her head against his leg.

"Just...stay," she said as she continued to hug his legs and grind her teeth together so she could keep purring. "Please...I want us to get to know each other...I want to help you right out before you do...what you must."

Alastor thought for a moment. Was this bunny...being flirty? He never felt such lust before. He reached out and picked up Hoppy, who looked into his red eyes.

"Where are your manners, Hoppy?" He questioned as she looked at him. "I didn't think you'd be this naughty. I may have to put you in your place."


"Alastor...I don't feel so good..."

Hoppy was lying down on her stomach, her paws digging onto the bedsheets. Alastor was on top of her, as she could feel his breath on her fur.

She felt some feeling. It wasn't the thrusting, which she started to enjoy the moment they began.

"Don't worry, my dear," Hoppy heard the Radio Demon whisper assuringly in her ear. "This is only starting to become more entertaining for the two of us."

That was when Alastor gently clamped his teeth around Hoppy's neck. Despite being a bit sharp, his fangs didn't harm the little rabbit. His fangs clamping themselves around Hoppy's fur only sent her into a more pleasuring state.

"Alastor...do it harder..." Hoppy whispered as she moaned. "Please pleasure me."

"What was that, darling?" Alastor teased her a bit. "It's rude to mumble."

"Harder...please," Hoppy breathed out. She longed for the pleasure she needed Alastor to give her.

"That's more like it," she heard a reply from the demon she was submissive to. He once again clamped his fangs into Hoppy's fur, with a much more stronger force.

Hoppy moaned once more. However, the moment was interrupted by the sound of someone opening the door. She heard their voice. "Alastor, for once, would you just-WHAT THE FUCK!"

Hoppy didn't see who it was. Alastor stopped, which caused the discomforting feeling to come back. Hoppy slowly closed her eyes, passing out before she could see who intruded on them.

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