You Deserve So Much Love Than Anyone Else

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Summary: June discovers the truth behind the rumors regarding Bella's human identity, realizing that the hero has fears and insecurities and has become emotionally broken, with the archenemies of her own father's to blame. June gives Bella all the comfort she needs, and reminds her  that she deserves so much more love than anyone else, regardless of what others think.

Sequel to A Tale of a Demon and a Ghost Hunter


June didn't really have that many friends, and to be honest, neither did her brother, Ollie.  Sometimes when you're part of a ghost hunting family, you get ridiculed. But that wasn't the only case when it came to June Chen. After all, she was autistic, which meant she had a far more different mindset. Different mindset, different ways of understanding things. Not to mention that she was downright brutally honest.

June couldn't help it though. It was a part of her life. And even if the truth may be harsh sometimes, it was always good to be honest. Honesty is always the best policy. Not to mention June had one hobby. She was an inventor.

She was always making all kinds of gadgets. Most of them were for her ghost hunting, but she did use her new gadgets a lot whenever she wasn't hunting ghosts with her family.

She even used her gadgets at school. There was just one downside. They always got confiscated. It pretty much annoyed her, but she didn't let it get her down too much.

Some kids were amazed by her gadgets, even believing they were cool. Though, some kids were kind of scared of June a little. It was mainly because June was... a little crazy.

She didn't show it up that much. If you saw some of the videos, you would've seen June on the screen, telling you to smash that like button and subscribe, then looking at the viewers with an eerie-looking smile, her eyes even twitching and giving a scary look as she loaded her ghost gun that glowed red.

June didn't let it bother her too much. If there was one thing she loved more than gadgets, it was her idol: Bella Cipher. June hasn't forgotten how one morning she was watching TV when all of a sudden, the news interrupted her.

It wasn't just any news. The news was on Equestria, and while it annoyed June that they just interrupted her show, she watched it anyway, since news were pretty important.

That was how she found out about Bella Cipher for the first time. It was honestly surprising how the daughter of Bill Cipher could be so kind and sweet. Caring about other humans and creatures and protecting them.

From that point on, Bella became June's biggest idol. Tales about Bella's bravery would spread on the internet, and June had managed to find those articles about her hero and read them.

Some people, like Ollie, thought June had a crush on Bella. And to be honest, it was true. No matter how much June tried to deny it by changing the subject, it was the main truth.

June couldn't help it. Bella was just so pretty, kind, sweet, and understanding. June also felt embarrassed that she had a crush on Bella, mainly because of two reasons. One, her parents didn't know that she liked girls, and June hadn't told them yet, and two, June felt that it was strange for a fan to have a crush on an idol.

However, if there was one thing June wanted to do, it was to meet and talk to Bella for the first time. But she did end up getting that wish.

As of now, June was being carried by her idol. Bella Cipher. Earlier that night, June had snook out for some nightly solo ghost hunting. Her parents and brother were already asleep by then.

June had heard stories about a abandoned house and thought there might be ghosts inside. What she didn't expect was a villain. One of Cassandra's villains to be precise. Kai.

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