Tale of A Demon and A Ghost Hunter

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Summary: Bella investigates a haunted house after hearing about mysterious sightings that she believes to be villains and has a surprise run in with a young ghost hunter.

A job is many things. It could be a matter of responsibility. Way to make money. Or even a part of your own passion. Everyone has their own answers. But if you ask the leader of the Deciphers AKA Bella Cipher, her answer would be pretty long and simple as she'd put it.

Bella was a hero. While saving lives, whether it's from villains or dangerous incidents, and helping people with their problems, didn't exactly give you any profit, not that Bella cared, Bella saw the job way more than a responsibility, and definitely way than passion.

If you ever asked Bella why she decided to become a hero, she would've answered with sincere honesty. Bring up how she was coming home with her friends one day only to find her place a complete wreck, with nothing but a note asking for war and àn tragically injured kirin.

Being a hero was more than responsiblity or passion to the demon. If anything, the demon had felt nothing but disgust towards those that cause harm and treason and she only felt sympathy for the innocents.

She wasn't just taking responsibility or putting her passion to heart. She was righting wrongs, providing protection, but more importantly, she was trying to make sure everyone felt safe.

She was teaching the forces of evil out there that she was more than roses and rainbows. She was a force to be reckoned with. She was the world's guardian, the person people could come running to when they needed help.

Being an immortal demon, Bella has thousands and thousands of years to go, and she would rather spend those years spreading kindness and protection.

One of Bella's greatest achievements was her intense mission that had Corona and Equestria involved. She couldn't take all the credit, as her team did most of the work.

It was honestly surprising. After Cassandra took the scroll and kidnapped Varian, the Deciphers had to come with the Ohannas and the Mizfit Guardians to come rescue him. During that time, Bella had gotten a letter from Discord about how Equestria was being conquered by Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. In order to save both Equestria and Varian, Bella sent half of her team to Equestria while she and the rest went with their friends to Cassandra's tower.

As hard and difficult it was, the mission was a success. Equestria was saved, Varian was rescued, Cassandra was defeated, and everyone came out victorious. It was this mission that made the team popular with most of the people and creatures that had seen the news a month later after the coronation.

People were there. Listening as Bella told the story of the intense mission, explaining that it wasn't easy, but they won in the end, and everyone was safe, now having nothing to worry about.


Bella stood in front of an old haunted house. Looking determined. She remembered hearing rumors about some sightings at this place. Many people have seen different sightings. Silhouettes. Most were human-like, some weren't. Some of the descriptions the people had given vaguely described some of the villains.

The house was a big mansion, the paint tipping off the walls, revealing the wood underneath. All the windows were cracked, and one even fell right out of its spot and shattered to the ground. A part of the roof fell apart, forming a big hole.

Bella narrowed her human eyes at one of the windows, spotting a silhouette. It looked rather human, but she didn't recognize. When the townspeople that called Bella for help told her about the haunted mansion and the shadowed figures most of them saw, she thought it was just the villains.

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