Bella's Special Easter

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Summary: Bella had never celebrated Easter before, but Hayes brings her miracles all in one chocolate bunny.


Easter. That was the word that sparked Bella's curiosity. She didn't know what Easter was, but something about it seemed...rather important.

Everywhere she walked, people were talking about it. Expressing joy. On one hand it seemed like it was mostly about bunnies and eggs, on the other hand, people had argued it truly about someone by the name of Jesus.

Bella didn't know who this 'Jesus' was. But something about him seemed important. She wondered what Easter really was. What made it such a big deal.

Things at the Razzle Dazzle Hotel weren't so different. As Bella explored the place, it was like Dutch was throwing another party. This time dedicated to Easter. As she saw many decorations resembling those of colorful eggs with bright patterns and rabbits with pink or yellow fur.

She even saw some of Dutch's security guards in bunny costumes, and while she did notice that some of them looked like they were in a not so happy mood, Bella couldn't help but gush over how cute they looked.

The demon walks throughout the hallways. All of Dutch's employees are dressed in bunny costumes. She can't help but find them adorable.

"Oh, hey, there you are, Bella," the demon hears a voice call out to her. She turns around and almost explodes when she sees him.

It was her favorite chameleon. Hayes. Dressed in the cutest bunny costume with the fluffy yellow and white fur. "Just when I thought you couldn't get even more precious," Bella breathed.

Hayes blushed a bit. "I see you've noticed," Hayes pulled the hood of his costume back as he looked away, flustered.

"Noticed? You are in the cutest bunny costume I've ever seen," Bella almost squealed. "How could I not?"

"I see this is your first Easter party with us," Hayes looked at her, and chuckled. "Dutch was hoping you'd come."

"I can see why," Bella giggled. "Geez, for a holiday I don't really have any knowledge of, this is impressive."

Hayes blinked a bit. "You never heard of Easter?"

"No, another holiday that I never celebrated at home for some reason," Bella looked to the side. "There are some holidays out there that I guess my Dad isn't a fan of."

"Christmas, and Thanksgiving, but not Easter?" Hayes raised a brow.

"I've been hearing people talk about it," Bella told him. "Eggs, bunnies, and Jesus is all they say. But I'm not really too sure. What do you think it's about."

Hayes thought for a moment. "Well, I actually got you something for the holiday," he said.

Bella blinked a bit in surprise. "For me?"

"Here," Hayes pulled out what seemed to be a small, but big bunny, made out of chocolate. Bella couldn't help but stare. She gently took the delicious looking chocolate rabbit in her hands as she then looked at Hayes.


"You like it?" Hayes blushed a bit. "If there's one thing I know about Easter, it's about miracles, like you."

Bella blushed a bit at his words. "Oh, Hayes..." She gently wrapped her arms around the chameleon, who wrapped his own arms around her back.

"How did I end up with something as precious as you and everyone else?"

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