Murder Drone and Cyclops Demon

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Summary: V finds love in the most odd place and time: In Hell, and during a turf war.

Contains cussing


There was something wrong with V's database. The moment she opened her eyes, she was in a new place, nothing like Earth or Copper 9. Everything around her was red. The sky was bright red, with something that looked like a circle with a star on it floating in the sky.

V's body felt tired. She sat up and looked at her arms and legs, they were covered in scratches that looked like they were done by a blade.

Wait a minute. V quickly slapped herself on the head exactly hard, and in an instant, she finally remembered.

About a day after the whole thing with Sombra, everyone wanted a long break. So after managing to scare off Stan and Ford Pines, who weren't just gonna leave Bella alone after the horrifying discovery of her being Bill's daughter, V decided to try to have a relaxing day to herself in Gravity Falls.

Unfortunately, it was cut short when an innocent man began crying for help, and V instantly noticed what was wrong. He was attacked. By three demons. All red, with horns, and wielding weapons.

So she confronted them. It was a battle for the man's life. The demons were no match for her. V was very skilled in combat. She had spent countless years killing worker drones all for the company.

She was too much of a killing machine than they were. Then came the book they pulled out just as V was charging at them, big flashes of light.

V growled as she began to stand up, the exhaustion from her earlier fight almost tiring her. She bumped into someone, and she turned to see it was another demon.

"Watch where you're going, bitch!" He told her angrily. V glared as she turned one of her into a gun pointed it directly into the demon's face.

"Mind repeating that?" She asked in response. The demon growled, but before he could do anything, a giant piece of some billboard came crashing down onto him.

He was crushed underneath it. V wondered if he was dead, but at the same time, she didn't care. She walked away quietly. This definitely wasn't Earth or Copper 9, as everywhere she looked, she saw demons.

In all shapes, forms, varieties, and height. Some were shorter than her. Some were taller. Some were even the same height as she was. V walked slowly, ignoring the demons as they went along and did whatever they wanted. Whether that was killing, taking drugs, drinking alcohol, or even beating the shit out of others.

She ignored any insults they threw at her. She saw a place far ahead. A tall straight building, with a lot of windows and at the bottom laid two doors. She looked at the top, looking at the words. "Hazbin Hotel."

V needed a place to rest until her energy was back. This hotel seemed to be the right place. Maybe the demons that might be in there weren't such assholes.

So V began to walk a long way to the hotel. That was until someone had shot her in the head while she was unaware, blowing her head off into smithereens.

Since V was a dissembly drone, she easily regenerated her head, and once she now had a completely unscathed face, she turned around and faced her attacker with a angry glare.

It was a black snake demon, with red eyes on his face, his hood, and even an extra one of his top hat. There were a bunch of egg demons with him, some alive unharmed and some dead, cracked shells.

V growled as she marched towards him, changing one of her hands into a long sharp blade. Before she could do anything, someone grabbed her from behind as she saw a small pink bomb with a black skull on it being thrown.

She turned to see the person who had pulled her back, glaring furiously until she saw her face. Demon with white skin, with one pink eye with a yellow X shaped iris. She had pink and blonde hair, wore a on-shoulder pink shirt with a black X on the left side, a black top underneath, shredded black jeans, wearing one pink boot on one foot and a pink flat on the other.

"You look new in town," she said. V continued staring, dazzled by her hot appearance and at a loss for words, ignoring the sound of a explosion from the bomb that was thrown. "Don't think I've seen a robot sinner here before."

"Sinner?" V spoke, not knowing what she meant.

"Welcome to Hell," the demon spoke again. "When you do a lot of bad stuff, you end up here when you die."

"I'm not dead," V corrected the demon, getting a confused look in return. "I just ran into some demons back on Earth. They were red with horns, and they were trying to kill a human."

"Oh, the I.M.P.," the demon chuckled. "Probably had a mishap with their ticket way to the living world. I would stay put of their way."

V was about to say something when the snake demon cleared his throat. "I thought we were in the middle of something here, and you stop to talk to a newcomer?"

"Fuck off, Edgelord!" Cherri snapped before turning to V. "Anyways, we were in a turf war just now. I do need some help, and I think you can make this interesting."


It was all so fast. V was fighting with this stranger. Eventually, the snake demon, Sir Pentious, or Edgelord as this demon called him, got rid of eventually.

V did get home from Hell. As she got home, Bella wasn't here. She apparently was doing some other things or was hanging out with her other friends.

V often slept in Bella's room, hanging upside down from her ceiling at night like a bat. Still feeling more wounded, V flew up to the ceiling, hanging upside down and wrapping her wings around herself.

Before she closed her eyes to rest, V remembered the conversation she had with the one eyed older demon from Hell.

"People call me Cherri Bomb," V remembered the demon introducing herself. "What do they call you?"

"I'm...V," V remembered introducing herself.

"Well, V, you were badass down here," Cherri complimented. "Perhaps we should hang out a lot more. I'd like what tricks you have up your sleeves."

V smiled as she closed her eyes, hoping to get an opportunity to hang out with Cherri. For now, she was focusing on getting better so she could be ready for any adventures coming her way.

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