Finally Happy

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Summary: After so long, Queen Bouncelia finally reunites with Emily. Perhaps, after so many years, she is truly home.

Told from Queen Bouncelia's POV.


It's been a few days since she found me. Emily was her name. She had skin as bright as sunlight. Her short brown hair was soft, and she wore one of those...dresses as humans called it. It was a beautifully light pink.

She had gifted me her father's shed. She always used it as a playhouse, but it was my new home. The walls were filled with murals of a human princess and her people. It reminded me of my old home.

My kangaroo colony. My kingdom. My old family.  It hurts so much. It was a reminder of the happy life I had lost. I spent the past few days grieving under the painful reminder that my life as a ravished princess was gone. Forever.

However, I heard the door open behind me. I wiped my tears away and turned around to see who it was, and as usual, it was Emily. The human girl who taken me in.

The only human I could actually trust. The sweetest soul I've ever met. I smiled a bit at her presence, trying my best to hide my grief.

"I got you something," she spoke. "Since you looked down, I got you...this!"

My eyes widened when I saw what she pulled out. In one hand, it was a yellow crown with three red gems in the front. In the other, it was some yellow stick, with a pink heart on the tip.

"You can't be a princess without a crown and a scepter."

I watched as she places the crown gently on my head, then placed the scepter into one of my opened palms.

"Ta-da, you're perfect!"

I smiled, as I admired the gift she had gotten me. It felt so good to be cared for again, like I used to be.

I was taken by surprise when Emily pulled me into a hug, but a second later, I smiled. I nuzzled against her cheek, returning the hug as I then looked at the murals on the wall with another smile.

Even though it wasn't the same, it felt like royalty. I was happy. Truly happy in a place that felt like home as long as I was with the sweetest of souls.


I was almost certain I was dreaming. It couldn't be her, could it?

But everything was there. Right there within the human in front of me. If she didn't look so familiar, I would've killed her on the spot. But...once I saw her face for the first time, I knew.

It was her. It was really her. Emily. It's been so many years. She was no longer the child from long ago. She was fully grown. Her hair was there. Light brown short hair.

She was wearing a long sleeved shirt. The same color of her old dress. I stared in shock at the terrified human in front of me. I couldn't believe it, but at the same time, it was really her.

I lowered my scepter down, and I noticed how her pupils trailed down to take a look at the scepter. "That scepter..."

When I got transformed into this...beast I am now, my scepter changed as well. It had came from a normal pink to a wide range of rainbow colors, glowing and becoming a real scepter. Yet, somehow, she seemed to recognize it.

"And that crown..." She looks up at my crown that was on my head. She recognized that as well. After a second or two, tears swelled up in her eyes. "Bouncelia...?"

I opened my mouth in surprise. "Emily?" I spoke.

"You remembered me..." She said, then rushed over and pulled me into a tight hug. I was shocked. It's been so long since I've been embraced like this. So long since Emily had given me one of her big hugs.

"I've never thought I'd see you again," I hugged her back, wrapping my arms and tail around her. "After the storm, I tried to wait for you to come back, but you never did...I thought my dreams of seeing you again was dead."

"I'm so sorry," Emily cried as more tears swelled up. "I did come back. I ran away and went looking for you and you weren't there. I went looking for you. I checked every nature preserve and zoo I could find. I checked animal shelters and pounds. I tried to look for you in the wild, but I couldn't find you."

"What... brought you here, to the kindergarten?" I asked. I was so happy that Emily managed to find me, but did her search bring her to BanBan's kindergarten?

"I heard rumors about this place," she started to explain. "One of them was about a giant purple kangaroo. I went in here looking for you. Bouncelia...what happened?"

"It's a long story," I hug her tighter. "But...I'm so happy you came back."

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