Connecting with A New Friend

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Summary: Bella remembers the day she met Gideon, the young boy that used to have a crush on Mabel and worked for her dad.


Looking back, Bella had realized that what she did was completely stupid.  She knew that Gravity Falls would never wanna put up with another Cipher after their experiences with her dad. Bella was told that she needed to keep herself hidden in a human disguise until it was safer or if it was a desperate situation.

It was day three after the whole Cassandra thing. Bella had kept a close eye on Dipper and Mabel, becoming extremely protective. She could imagine what could've happened to them if she hadn't came in time.

Bella told herself that the next time Cass messed with her, she was gonna wish she hadn't. Bella knew that exposing her real identity to Cass  was just as dangerous as exposing herself to the townspeople of Gravity Falls. That didn't mean Bella didn't wanna prove Cassandra if she ever thought that she was just a 'stupid little girl'.

However, Bella didn't want just Dipper, Mabel, and Wendy to know who she really was. She wanted some more people to know that, and to get to know her.  However, her friends were caught by surprise when she wanted to meet Gideon in person.

Gideon was one of Dipper and Mabel's enemies, or at least, he used to be. Back then, he was just an insane lunatic, in love with Mabel, some sort of stalker trying to force her into loving him, and using drastic means to do so. One of those drastic means was working with her dad twice.

Of course, during the Weirdmageddon, Dipper had managed to convince Gideon to switch sides for Mabel's sake. He couldn't force Mabel to love him, but he could try to be someone worthy of her love.

After the Weirdmageddon, there wasn't much time for him to easily reconnect and actually become the Pine Twins' friend. However, now that Dipper and Mabel had arrived back in Gravity Falls, they heard from a lot of people that Gideon had changed.

Sure, he was still trying to be normal, though he still his bodyguards, two thugs, one of which was Ghost Eyes, who he often sic on anyone who spoke trash to his face. He had developed a much kinder personality and even moved on from Mabel.

Bella wanted to make friends with him. So one night, she sent him an invitation letter with a map attached to it, asking him to meet somewhere in the woods.

Soon  enough, he arrived. For some reason, Bella couldn't bring herself to meet him face to demon face. What if it goes wrong? What if he is mean to her? Bella was supposed to back out of the whole thing.

But eventually, Bella shown herself. Flying out of the shadows and into Gideon's line of sight, the boy was caught by shock when he had noticed the dream demon.

"What?! Bill?-" Gideon spat until he took another look at Bella, and realized she wasn't who he thought she was. "Wait... you're not him."

"No, I'm not..." Bella sighed. "I'm Bella. And I mean you no harm. I'm... actually really sweet when you get to know me."

"Wait, you're Bella?" Gideon said, even more shocked, and what he said next surprised Bella. "As in Bella Cipher?"

" know who I really am?" Bella blinked a bit.

"Yeah, I do," Gideon said as if it wasn't obvious. "I used to work with your dad a while back. Plus, you clearly get your looks from him. They are a big giveaway."

"Yeah... that's true."

There was some silence between the two. Until Bella spoke up. "Does my dad ever mention me a lot?" She asked. "That's probably why you know about me."

"Oh, I didn't get that information from your daddy," Gideon bursted out laughing. "He dropped a photo on the first day of the Weirdmageddon, when he appointed me 'sheriff of the wastelands'."

Bella let out a chuckled as the white haired boy flexed his muscles and showed off a little, before continuing. "One of his inter-dimensional pals told me, about you and how you went all....AWOL."

Bella gave a sad look as she looked down. Gideon watched as a tear rolled down her eye. "I wish...I could've got the time to see him again...and get a chance to tell him what really happened. I wish we could be a family again."

Gideon looked at Bella. He wasn't sure what to do exactly. So awkwardly, he reached out and patted the demon's back a bit. Bella straightened up, and wiped a tear from her eye.

"I'm sorry, I get a little emotional sometimes," Bella apologized and looked at Gideon, who looked away from her and straightened up.

"Yeah, totally understandable," he smiled nervously. The two were silent for the next moment, but Bella ended it by letting out a chuckle.

"You know, it's kinda hard to believe you used to be Dipper and Mabel's enemy," Bella told Gideon. "Because...for someone that used to be sinister, with all that white hair and freckles, you're pretty cute."

Gideon felt his entire face go red. Did he hear that right? Did Bill's little girl just say he was cute? He was as red as a tomato. Blushing hard and off.

For the rest of the day, Bella and Gideon talked and talked. Sure, revealing her true identity to a complete stranger was stupid, but it was worth it for the start of a new friendship. But to Lil Gideon, it was more than just friendship.

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