Buzzing Fourth of July

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Summary: It's been a year since the Fourth of July party. What better way to start than host it with Beelzebub?

Told from Bella's POV

"Remember when I used to be so nervous about my dad wrecking the party last year?" I asked as I ate some cake with Beelzebub.

", we were all just shaking when he showed up by the time that Devesiche guy left," Bee chuckled. "Was it, Devesiche? It's been so long that I hardly remember him at all."

As you probably know by now, tonight's the Fourth of July. You probably remember I once hosted a party. At the high school in Gravity Falls.

Lots of people were there. Including Beelzebub, and her boyfriend, Vortex, who also became my boyfriend as well.

Things went well, until this demon from the demon council crashed in. Luckily, he wasn't here to attack or do harm or anything. In fact, he made me an offer. Since I was really powerful and good hearted, he invited me to join the council.

But as great as it sounded, I declined. As a leader of an adventurers team, I had enough on my plate. After he left, then came my dad and the other villains.

I really thought he was here to harm my guests and ruin everything, but surprisingly, instead of committing violence or going to length to make everyone's experience a living hell, all that was on his mind was one word: party.

"Yeah, I'm surprised that was last time we saw him," I commented as I took another bite of my slice of cake. "I'm really thought he was gonna some....well, what Bezel is to Chikn and his friends I guess. Some chaotic evil that was always present in our lives."

"I guess he wasn't too big of a deal," Beelzebub said as she watched Bill and Constance play with Bella and Fizzarolli's daughter, Corona. "I never really thought there would be a time when we both would willingly invite Bill to our parties."

"Well, after everything he's been though," I started. "Finally realizing he was hurting me, turning over a new leaf, and talking to all his exes and asking for their forgiveness, and now trying to look for me when he found out about my disappearance...I figured he deserves to be at my parties. Our parties."

Beelzebub chuckled as she watched Bill and Constance continue to play with Corona. Corona was laying in Constance's lap, giggling as Bill played peek-a-boo with her.

"Never thought I'd see Bill as a grampa," Beelzebub smirked as she picked up a bottle of her own alcoholic brand, Beelzejuice, and began to take a small drink.

"Well, I think I heard him say that he always wanted grandkids when I was little, way back when Mom was still around," Bella took another bite of her cake.

"Come to think of it, I think Constance is a better mom to you," Beelzebub joked. Bella playfully nudged her in the elbow.

"Oh, come on, I was only joking," the sin laughed.

"Well, I suppose it's true," Bella scratched the back of her head nervously. "Given all the time she has, she's been spending it with me. Dad. Just like Mom used to."

"Rather spend most of her time with you guys than Heaven," Beelzebub smiled a bit. "It's like she really is your real mom."

"Yep, and maybe when she marries my Dad one day, she'll be my mom officially."

I looked around. I could see everyone I  invited. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli were making out. Verosika and Vortex were chilling together. Barnaby was conversing with Snatcher, Billie, and Hat Kid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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