Wrapped Around Mommy's Fingers

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Summary: Bella's moments with her newborn chameleon child, Ellis.


She loved Ellis just as much as she loved her oldest sons and daughters. It's only been a few days since Ellis arrived. The chameleon was so, so tiny. It was one of the reasons Bella loved them. They was so cute. Holding them almost felt like holding an actual kitten.

Ellis's size made Bella's pregnancy a lot more bearable than their siblings had. While growing in her womb,  the tiny chameleon only made a small bulge in their mom's stomach, and they weren't as heavy as their siblings were.

It honestly made Bella glad that Ellis made her pregnancy more bearable and easy to begin with. Now there they was, laying in their mother's palm as she calmly looked in the pages of an old magazine.

As she peacefully read, Bella would look at her child after a minute or two, making sure they were staying where they were and weren't nearly close to sneaking off or slipping from her fingers.

Ever since their birth, Bella have been firmly protective of Ellis. She always kept an close eye on the tiny chameleon. She knows chameleons can camouflage. She was glad Ellis never learned how to yet, but there was the chance they might while they weren't under her watchful eye.

Then she heard something. A chirp. And it was from the very thing that was lying in her palm. Wrapping its little tail around her fingers. She chuckled, as she pick the magazine down on the table in front of her and drew her child closer to her.

"Hey there, sweetie," Bella spoke in a calm, soft gentle tone of voice. The chameleon was still laying down on her palm, looking somewhat sleepy as their eyes started blinking a few names. "You a little tired?"

The chameleon answered her question, letting out a small yawn after a cute chirp, nuzzling into their mother's palm. "I'll take that as a yes," Bella chuckled as she petted Ellis's head with one finger. "You're so tiny....so precious."

She then leaned forward and gave the little chameleon a kiss on the forehead, and whispered the same things she had told her sons and daughters when they were just as old as Ellis. "I'm so lucky to have such a sweet, precious thing. I hope you make me proud when you grow up."

With that, Bella stood up from the couch and walked into the nursery she had made in her home. The nursery was used by each and every one of her children, and now it was Ellis's current room until they would eventually grow out of it.

She walked over to a new smaller crib, since the old one was far too big for Ellis to sleep in. He gently placed the baby on the soft mattress, slowly worming her tail off her finger. Then she picked up a tiny stuffed toy that looked exactly like their grandfather.

Ellis loved the toy very much. Grandpa loved them to bits. Just he loved the rest of his grandchildren so much. Just like every time, the chameleon clings to the stuffed plushie,  gripping their paws onto it and wrapping their tail around it.

Bella chuckled, then she pulled out a blanket and covered the chameleon up with it. "I love you, Ellis. I know when you grow up, You're gonna do some amazing things. Never stop dreaming."

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