Encounter Between a Dog and Spider

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Summary: The strange encounter between Dogday and Angel Dust that turns into something unexpected. Unfortunately, Alastor doesn't appreciate that his least favorite thing is in the hotel.


It was supposed to be a normal night. At least for every single Smiling Critter, including Dogday himself. Unfortunately, the little dog had discovered a portal in one of the laboratories while getting himself a glass of water.

In fact, that was how he ended up in this very hotel trying to hide from the insanely chaotic things happening outside, like the constant gun shooting, the burning flames, and the cannibalism.

Thought he could try hiding in one of the hotel rooms, especially when he saw that one of those...demons, was in the hotel with him. He couldn't see him clearly, but the razor sharp yellow teeth in that scary grin and their blood red eyes looking like radio dials were hard to ignore.

However, he should've made sure the room he entered wasn't occupied before locking it, because the moment he turned around, he saw him.

It was another one of those demons. He was a white spider, with a fluffy chest puffing up, with light pink spots in his fur, and he wore a fashionable white and pink suit, with a black bowtie, and a black choker on his neck.

He had two pairs of arms, one pair wearing long reddish pink gloves, and the other wearing long white ones. He wore black shorts, and long black boots. He had reddish pink pupils in his eyes, one eye with a yellow sclera, and the other with a black one. Dogday noticed  that underneath each of his eyes, were three reddish pink dots.

Sweat poured down Dogday's skin. The spider demon was surprised upon seeing him come in all of a sudden, and while he wasn't angry, something about the smirk he was making made Dogday nervous.

"Why, hello there~" the spider's greeting sent chills down Dogday's spine. Why was he looking at him like that?

"Um...hi..." He spoke rather nervously, and decided to apologize for his intrusion. "Sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here."

"Oh, that's alright," the spider said, rather calm as he smirked at Dogday. "It gets lonely in here sometimes. I don't mind the extra company."

"Oh, um, well, you don't mind if I stay here a little longer, do you?" Dogday scratched the back of his head. "A lot of those demons out there really seem to be out for me, even that demon with the creepy smile on his face."

"Oh, the Radio Demon?" The spider stretched his arms. "He's harmless. Well, 50% of the time. But don't worry, puppy cakes, you can stay here as long as you'd like."

"Actually, my name is Dogday, not Puppy Cakes," Dogday corrected rather timidly. "Not that I don't like it or anything though. I guess puppy cakes does sound a little cute."

"Aww, it is, because I'll keep calling you puppy cakes," the spider demon continued speaking to Dogday with the lust hinted in his tone. "And you can even call me 'Daddy'.

Dogday's face turned bright red, becoming flustered by that last sentence."Um...how about I call you by your real name?" Dogday suggested nervously. "What do people call you exactly?"

"Angel Dust, sweet cakes," the spider demon continued to flirt with Dogday, causing the dog toy to blush madly. "And while you stay here in my comfortable hotel room, let's get the time to know each other and have some fun."

"By doing what exactly?" Dogday asked, still a little nervous.


"Okay, this is not what I had in mind."

Dogday was on the warm mattress, his fur warm and wet, as he looked up at Angel, who was on top of him, all naked though the dog's sights were mostly on his fluffy chest, seeing the bright heart pattern.

"Come on, I know you like it," the spider slurred, and he cupped Dogday's face and pulled him closer. At that moment, Angel's lips made contact with his own, the two lulling into a kiss. Dogday blushed as he kissed back.

However, the two jolted away when they heard a door slam open. The two looked to see who intruded on them. Angel Dust looked at the culprit with anger, but Dogday was frozen with horror.

Standing outside the door, was the same demon. With those razor sharp teeth, and those radio dials. "My, my, what do we have here?"

Dogday gulped. 'I'm so screwed.'

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