April Fools!

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Summary: Bella pranks her lovers in the silliest and hilarious ways possible.


Dutch should've looked at the calendar when he had woken up that morning. It would've helped. The warning could've helped.

Everyone knew of the white wolf's routine. How taking a bath three times a day was part of his everyday life.

One bath in the early morning, one in the afternoon, and one after sundown. Everyone knew of this. Even Bella.

Dutch should've seen it coming. The morning started so peacefully. After rolling out of bed, Dutch stretched his arms out, and had dressed himself in his finest bright red robe.

Next, he turned the door knob and opened the door that led to his bathroom. He could've swore that the moment he shut the door behind him and started getting the bubble soap to prepare for his bath, he heard snickering.

His ears had perked up at the sound of it. But the room remained quiet afterwards, so he decided to brush it off. However, he opened the curtains, and his face immediately paled from shock when he saw who was waiting for him.

It was his beloved Bella Cipher. The triangle shaped demon was looking at the wolf with a mischievous look that spelled trouble. Dutch had realized he was actually doomed when he saw the shower hose Bella was clutching in one of her hands.

"You better run, Dutch," Bella chuckled, as one of her fingers hit the trigger on the hose. Before Dutch could react or even try to escape, he was already being hosed with water.

The water splattered at his fur, soaking him. It even got onto his fancy robe, making it all wet, water drops dripping from it.

The water poured onto the floor, making it more wet and slippery. Eventually Bella stopped spraying him with the shower hose, allowing Dutch to take his breath.

"Enjoyed your bath?" As he was trying to get his breath, he saw Bella floating above him with her hands behind her back.

"....No....why....did...you...do...that?" Dutch wasn't happy, but he didn't want to yell at Bella. He was too busy trying to catch his breath anyways.

"Two words, Dutch," Bella said, taking a deep breath and shouting afterwards. "APRIL FOOLS!"

Dutch froze. Today was April Fools day? He couldn't believe it. "This was...an April Fools prank?"

"Yeah, it's April 1st, AKA April Fools Day," Bella explained enthusiastically. "And April Fools Day is where me and my Dad go absolutely crazy."

"Just...hold on a minute, darling," Dutch spoke. He tried to get up, but he kept slipping on the wet water. Bella carefully helped the wolf out of the bathroom.

"You didn't know it was April Fools Day?" Bella chuckled. "It's basically on April 1st. How do you not know?"

"I haven't checked the calendar yet," Dutch shrugged. Bella snapped her fingers, and popping into her hands out of thin air was his calendar. The month being April, the date being the very first day of it.

"Oh...you were being serious," Dutch realized.

"Yep," Bella said as she continued. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more April Fooling to do."

With that, she disappeared in a puff of smoke.


"Who do I prank next?" Bella wondered, then she saw a certain chameleon. Hayes. She snickered to herself as she thought out her new plan.

Looking at the long carpet, she had an idea. While Hayes's eyes were on his notepad, Bella lifted up the carpet and placed bubble wrap underneath.

Bella snickered. Then, Hayes's foot stepped onto the carpet, and next thing he knew...


The chameleon nearly jumped, clearly startled. Then he heard Bella laughing. "April Fools!" She exclaimed. "I put bubble wrap underneath the carpet."

"What?" Surprised, Hayes lifted up the carpet and saw the bubble wrap that made the popping sound that startled him.

He chuckled a bit. "I guess that is a little funny."


Bella had a devilish look as she floated above Basile and Pom, who were sleeping together in their bed. Bella pulled out some makeup as she looked down at Basile. Time for a makeover.

Soon, after the two had woken up, Pom couldn't help but giggle as Basile now had red lipstick, blue eyeshadow, and black mascara on. The grumpy wolf wasn't amused.

Just then, Bella appeared out of nowhere. "April Fools!" She beamed. "You like your new look, Basile?"

Pom couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Oh my God, that was you?" She laughed. "That was pretty good."

"Yeah, April Fools is the day where I get creative," Bella chuckled before pointing at a closet. "I actually got something for you, Pom. It's in that closet over there."

"Oh, really? Bella, you couldn't have," Pom smiled as she ran up to the closet. She opened the door, only for a wave of chicken toys to fall on her and bury her in them.

"April Fools!" Bella said when Pom poked her out, looking rather surprised before she started laughing, finding the joke a bit funny.


Bella started pranking the others as well, especially Elaine, Colette, Billie, Barnaby, and Fantoccio. First, Bella put catnip in Elaine and Colette's drinks, causing them to behave rather funny. She told Billie that Arthur, Belle, and Aristotle were being attacked, only for the goat to run into some tape. She shook up a soda can, which sprayed into Barnaby's face. Then, she pranked Fantoccio by drawing a second face on the back of his head.

Yep, April Fools Day was the day in which Bella would go crazy as she pleased.

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