The Wolf's Lips

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Summary: Bella thinks back to the day of her first kiss, which happens to be a certain grumpy wolf.


Even though something about it felt wrong, it was what they needed to do. That gem was around here somewhere. Aristotle had gotten banned trying to receive it.

Dutch was apparently more than a cheerful and hearty hotel owner. Aristotle had described him as having a criminal record of some sorts, and that he was harboring magic that wasn't his.

She knew that the gems were too powerful to be used for evil, but was Dutch really a bad guy? Had he ever used the gem to hurt anyone?

Dutch just seemed like a polite gentleman to her, but maybe that was her feminine side speaking. Like a lot of females, Bella seemed to be somewhat swooned over by true gentlemen.

She may be bisexual,  but still. Any lady would be impressed by a gentleman, regardless of sexuality. Females always liked males who knew how to respect them.

Billie had spoken to Dutch earlier. She had convinced him to give both her and Bella jobs. Since Bella skillfully gave a successful performance the other night when she was mistaken for a late guest singer, Dutch decided to make her one of the new flapper dancers.

Billie thought that since Bella was a flapper dancer, she could easily distract Dutch, his employees, and the guests while she went to find the gem.

However, Bella had became distracted herself. As she couldn't help, but feel romantic attractions. Dutch was handsome, Hayes was just adorable, Pom was beautiful, and Basile...was shunning.

Bella haven't this romantically deprived since......It was hard not to forget. Evelyn. The very first person that caught her eye, and the first woman she fell in love with.

She remembered the time when she was healing her wounds not too long after they met.


"Don't worry, I'm almost done."

Bella was finishing up, using her healing powers to close up one last wound. She was surprised that...whatever the woman in front of her was, managed to survive something really fatal.

She was told that humans were frail. That they couldn't survive things she could. Back at the laboratory, she had watched as the human-looking creature swooped up and down, slicing multiple humans and repeatedly impaling, and even decapitating with her weapon that she called a spear, a tool with a long black handle, with a small but big silver blade at the end.

A few humans have managed to sever blows that could've easily killed her, including one directly to the chest. Bella knew the creature wasn't human, but she was still surprised that someone that probably wasn't a demon had to survive such wounds.

As the wound was almost gone, Bella looked into the creature's face. Her face was human-like. Soft-looking lips, a pointed nose, and yellow eyes. Bella felt mesmerized just looking at the yellow ring floating above her head and those large golden wings. Feather-like.

"Hey, thanks...for what you did back there," Bella started. "I was just pulled out of nowhere and those humans...I didn't know. And my instincts told me that they weren't to be trusted. And it's really thoughtful that you decided to come save me."

The human-looking creature looked at her, studying her for a bit. Then her lips formed into a small smile. "I couldn't let another one of your kind suffer," she spoke. "Where I came from, people fought to take away the lives of demons. Those who could possibly be innocent. So, why not fight for your life instead? I prefer that option more than the other."

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