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a/n: slightly different from the imagine

a/n: slightly different from the imagine

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Miami, Florida

Meech looked out from the balcony of his apartment and took in the palms trees that lined the boulevard. he couldn't be more thankful that he was born into a blessed situation. although he father was facing serious jail time, he left him with a legacy that would continue to live on forever; it was his job to keep the family name alive cause there ain't nun' bigger than the mafia. he glanced down at his patek to see he only had an hour and a half to hop on his flight. since he made his big debut starting in, BMF, he was booking club appearances in order to maintain the lifestyle. with his new found fandom, it was important that he interacted from time to time to keep them enticed. he ran his hand over his face a little exhausted from the constant traveling he was doing recently. between shooting scenes and juggling his social life, he found himself becoming depleted of energy.

"i need a fuckin' break," he mumbled lowly to himself before he turned on his heels and walked thru the balcony sliding door. he closed it behind him making sure to lock it, he would have someone come check on his place but he could never be too sure. he collected his suitcases and put them by the door before grabbing his phone from inside his pocket. he quickly scrolled through his contacts before he came across the name he was looking for. he called as he was greeted with the ringing tone waiting for someone to pick up on the other line.

"family, you on your way?" he said as soon as the tone stopped.

"damn no hi, wassup, how you doing? i'm pullling up now tho," Jade said over the phone.

"my bad," he laughed, "i'm coming out now," he grabbed his suitcase and quickly traveled down the hall. he reached the elevator waiting for it to arrive and as soon as it did he stepped on it. pushing ground level, he finally heard a ding as the doors slid open. he walked off and out into the lobby before going to check his mailbox. he seen he didn't have anything to worry about and left it there locking it back up. he walked outside to be greeted with a candy red bmw. he slid his bags in the truck before popping open the passenger door. "and i thought i was flashy. what the fuck is this?" he laughed sliding into the seat and closing the door behind him.

"this my lil baby for right now," she rubbed the steering wheel before zooming off, "where you going again?"

"new jersey," he sighed, "man i'm tired,"

"i know but hard work pays off king," she responding glancing at him then back to the road.

"i know but i sorta wanna relax. i'm getting burnt out and it's only the beginning," he looked out into the highway as they made their way to the airport. he reached behind his ear and grabbed the wood he rolled before leaving the house. grabbing his lighter out his pocket, he sparked the blunt and inhaled letting the intoxicating feeling cloud him.

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