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New York City, New York

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New York City, New York

sunlight shined through the blinds that barely kept it out; one thing about it, Tamara couldn't sleep unless it was dark. the next morning she woke up still groggy from the night before, but thank fully she didn't have a hangover. she rarely ever got them with exception to that one time she drank 1800; she vowed she would never drink it again. she rubbed her eyes looking over to see Demetrius still snoozing with his mouth slightly parted. his hair was messy from sleeping on it and his skin glowed from the morning light. she couldn't help but place her hand on his cheek slightly stroking it. he relaxed into it a little and that's when she knew he had also woken up. his eyes remained closed as his deep raspy voice bellowed, "Good morning mamas," he licked his lips feeling that they were dry before puckering his lips.

morning breath and all, Tamara leaned in placing a soft peck on his lips, "morning baby,"

he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer. Tamara looked over at the clock and seen that it was still 7:15am and that was honestly to early to be up. she cuddled more into his chest trying to block as much light as possible before getting comfortable. Meech pulled the covers up to their shoulders making sure they were both covered. "you goin back to sleep?" his morning voice had her ready to say fuck that nap.

"yeah it's 7 inna morning, too early to be up on a sunday," she laughed lightly because her voice was slightly muffled in his chest.

"okay, we gunna get some breakfast when we get up," he hummed before feeling his mind fog up with drowsiness.

"mhmm," she nodded her head against his chest while rubbing the back of his neck. her fingers tangled in his curls allowing the feeling to relax her. she didn't know when she fell asleep but soft snores could be heard through the room.

feeling the bed dip, Tamara cracked her eyes open looking over to see Meech getting out of bed. she looked back over at the clock and seen it was going on 10am. 3 hours flew by fast and it felt more like a blink than a nap. she lifted her self up and sat against the headboard while stretching her arms in the air.

Demetrius looked over at her cracking a smile, "good morning forreal sleepy head," he looked in the mirror applying lotion to his face. he had jus brushed his teeth and freshened up so he could take Tamara out for quick brunch and walk around the city before his meeting. he would be back on a flight tomorrow morning and wanted to enjoy this last little bit of time he got to spend with her.

Tamara got up from her sitting position feeling a slight ache in her back and legs, "ssss, my body hurtsss," she looked over at him mugging slightly before pouting.

"you wouldn't keep them claws off me," he laughed before going to his duffel bag to pick out an outfit.

Tamara grabbed her toothbrush and face wash before trailing to the bathroom to do her hygiene routine. after using the bathroom she walked back into the room seeing Meech laying his clothes out for the day. she walked behind him wrapping her arms around his waist placing her head on his back. "what we doing today?"

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