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Miami, Florida

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Miami, Florida

they had finally reach Miami and beelined straight to Demetrius' apartment. although Tamara had her house waiting for her, she knew she would be up all night trying to put everything in it's place. rest was the only thing both of them needed to be worried about after the long drive. Tamara grabbed her small carryon like bag from the back seat of the car before Meech reached his hand out to grab it. slinging it over his shoulder, they began their short walk to his home. while the elevator music consoled them during the ride, Tamara laid her head on his shoulder, "i'm tired," she yawned before a buzz indicated that they had arrived at his floor.

"me too mama," he walked out allowing her to lead the way. she unlocked the door with his keycard before pushing it open allowing the cool air to brush against her skin. "i can't wait to take a shower," he huffed before tossing her bag on the chair that was placed next to the kitchen island.

he turned around grabbing Tamara by her waist and kissing her neck softly, "i can't believe this is home now," her gazed was fixated on the view that could be seen from the glass door of the balcony. the palm trees swayed as the night sky made the water below them glisten. she began to walk closer to the door as Demetrius trailed closely behind her with his arms still wrapped around her waist.

he briefly let go so she could open the door as they both stepped out into the warm southern air. "how you feeling," his deep voice chimed before he watched he lean over the railing. he walked behind her pressing his bottom half onto her butt before rubbing his hands along her upper arms.

"good, ready to face a new challenge in life," she pondered over the life that was awaiting her as she navigated living in a new environment. he moved her hair over one shoulder before proceeded to kiss the opposite one. he inhaled her sweet scent smelling the cocoa butter that lingered on her skin.

his kisses trailed up her neck as she allowed his more exposure by tilting her head, "i think you'll find your footing fast down here, you know you beyond talented," he said between kisses before giving her waist a tight hug.

she flipped around in his arms as he braced her tightly. her back slightly pressed against the railing as she looked up and said, "i don't wanna talk about that right now," she kissed him deeply feeling the pool between hers leg grow. she came free from his grip and began walking back into the house as he followed her.

she began trailing towards the hallways before he grabbed by her arm pulling her into his grip, "where you going?" he backed her into the couch before she fell upon it softly. he climbed ontop of her planting a kiss on her lips. he planted more across her cheek before working his way down her neck. he played with the hem of her t-shirt before pulling away to lift it over her head leaving her bare chest exposed; he then proceeded to fling it across the living room. he hungrily kissed her chest leaving little lovebites here and there. her fingers ran thru his curls before she found herself growing impatient with his foreplay. she grabbed his face bringing it back up to hers before kissing him once more. she lifted his shirt over his head before running her fingers along his torso. her hands reached his sweatpants before she found herself tugging at them. he quickly dropped them to his ankles before stepping out of them.

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