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New Jersey

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New Jersey

the next day Tamara still couldn't get her mind off of Demetrius, but she couldn't find it in herself to reach out to him; especially after what he said. it was yet another failed 'talking' stage in her books and she couldn't do nothing about it. the last thing she wanted to do was feel like she was chasing him too much. she just couldn't understand how something so sweet was turning so sour. she found herself wanting to vent about the situation, but knew the information wasn't for just anybodies ears so she called who she knew she could count on; her mom.

"ma it's just i don't know, i haven't been talking to him but what would make him say something like that?" Tamara sighed over the phone call.

"maybe cause you ain't been talking to him girl," her mother laughed, "you always doing some shit like this. running a man off before you know if you even like him," she shook her head because this was a never ending cycle with her daughter. she had a habit of pushing people away who couldn't handle her closed off personality. since younger, Tamara didn't socialize well with others which caused her to be attached at her mother's hip. "you gotta learn to not be afraid to grow attachments to people. you been this way since a baby and you gotta grow muneca."

Tamara stayed silent over the line for a minute as she pondered what her mother said to her. growing up, she always lost anybody she found close to her; her mother was really one of the only close relatives she had besides her siblings. everybody else either abandoned her or past away which left her emotionally scarred. she chose her words wisely before making her next statement, "i know ma.. i'm really trying but it's not easy. you know i really only have you and Tyanni and i've had y'all forever. y'all know how to put up wit my attitude and that i don't mean nothing by wanting my space. i just take too much space sometimes and make people feel like i don't care," Tamara sighed as she tried to pinpoint where she was going wrong. in a relationship, things worked differently especially when you're just getting to know someone. "i just didn't think he would be that petty to say he single," she smacked her teeth thinking about it all over again. she still found herself mad about it no matter how much she tried to push it to the back of her mind.

"you know how men are when their feelings are hurt," her mother laughed, "stop playing wit that boy feelings and call him."

"i think i gotta let him simmer some more... but it's killing me," Tamara laughed because she genuinely missed talking to him everyday, but was stuck in her pride right now.

"you are ya mommas child," her mother laughed as they continued their conversation about life and other things they needed to catch up on. since Tamara moved out she found herself having weekly catch up calls with her mother. she was glad she had her and she was able to call her up when she had times like this. she looked over at the clock seeing that her first client would be arriving soon as she pour herself a cup of coffee. she mixed the creamer and added whipped cream with a caramel drizzle. "okay mommy i gotta go, i love you,"

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