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characters :

Demetrius "Lil Meech" Flenory Jr.

Tamara "Mara" Wright-Flenory

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Tamara "Mara" Wright-Flenory

Tamara "Mara" Wright-Flenory

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this book had officially come to an end and i can say that i truly feel accomplished. writing has bought me a sense of happiness that i haven't felt in a while and i'm glad i got back into doing something i loved. i hope y'all enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this <3 i wanna cry cause i can't believe i'm saying goodbye to this book, but adios. a new journey awaits us with the new books i have in store..


Post-Credit Scene :

A couple years later...
Miami, Florida

Tamara smiled down at the wedding ring that graced her finger as she looked outside into the backyard. she watched as her daughter, Kyari & her son, Pharoah, played in the open backyard that consisted of a playground, trampoline and in ground pool to keep them occupied in their free time. they were now 5 and 3 and it almost baffled Tamara when she thought about how fast time had flew before her eyes. she cracked another small seeing her children's laughter erupt throughout the backyard. they continued to chase either other in the green pasture dodging echothers grasp.

she felt Demetrius' arms wrap around her waist as she jumped slightly. she was so engrossed in watching the kids that she hadn't heard him enter the house, "your home early," she hugged his arms that were placed around her. she inhaled his scent closing her eyes while she basked in the moment. "i missed you,".

"i missed you more," he flipped her around and snaked her arms around his neck. his placed soft kisses on her lips before pulling away to get a good looks at her face. he had been filming for a new movie that was coming out which had him away from home for a week this last time. he had to be on the other side of the country which left Tamara with her hands full. "the children of the corn were good for you?"

"of course not," she laughed thinking of the week she had. between the boos boos, arguing and banter, she barely got a break, but she couldn't help that her children were full of personality. they often kept her on her toes because of how witty they could be; she just knew her son was going to be the class clown when he got older. "you know they raise hell, but they gunna be happy to see you," she laughed. she enjoyed that her and Demetrius took parenting serious. now that he was back home, Tamara would be able to kick up her feet while he assumes daddy duties. she was glad he actually cared to be an active father rather than just holding the title.

she remained in his embrace as she watched the kids through the patio door. dinner was cooking on the stove and it would only be a matter of time before they could eat. she seen the kids eyes dart towards the door seeing their fathers presence causing an immediate halt in their actions.

"DADDY!!" Kyari screamed almost at the top of her lungs before sprinted towards him. Tamara made sure the door was wide open as she hugged his legs.

Pharoah lagged behind as he walked slowly over to his parents, "what up doe?" he held his tiny hand out for a handshake and Tamara couldn't help but laugh.

"he wanna be just like you and grandpa," she said in hysterics from her sons 'too cool' persona.

"boy knock it off," Demetrius smacked his teeth, picking him up as Kyari stay glued to his hip. "y'all missed me?"

"yes please don't leave for that long again or i'm gunna have to go with you," Kyari said with a serious face which let them know she meant business. Tamara giggles shaking her head as she went and checked the food. she nodded her head in approval seeing that the food was ready before she began making plates for everyone.

"i'll let uncle 50 know, matter fact you could tell him yourself," he agreed with her as they all sat at the island in the tall swivel chairs.

"tomorrow i'll tell him, i'm tired today," she wiped her forehead before leaning her head on her hand.

"tired from being a menace," Tamara laughed before placing a plate infront of both of the children.

"nuh uh," she shook her head before grabbing her fork to take a bite, "this is so good mommy," she batted her eyelashes giving her best innocent look.

"cut it out, you only wanna act like that cause ya fathers here." Tamara shook her head before placing a plate in front of Demetrius.

he leaned over giving her a kiss, "thank you baby," he grabbed his fork before looking over at Kyari, "that's my princess don't mess with her," he laughed giving her a wink.

"that's why Pharoah the only one getting dessert tonight," Tamara said smartly while stiffling a laugh.

"YESSS!" he raised his fist in the air hyped up. "i love being moms favorite," he smiled as he continued eating his food.

"damn right," Tamara smiled only joking with her family like they always did; no wonder her kids had a mind of their own. her and Demetrius shot each other a look as they both smiled small. they continued to eat their meal as they listened to the kids talk about everything he had missed in his time away. he laughed every now and then thinking about how thankful he was for his little family. he spent so much time living up to his fathers image that now it was his time to create a legacy and he picked the perfect person to do it with. he look at Tamara with Dough eyes before her eyes met his; he shot her a small air kiss causing her heart to flutter. her cheeks warmed up as she looked down at her plate blushing. even after years he still had the same effect on her like when the first met; now all they had was a life time to go...

The end.

-signed liyah🫀

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