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Miami, Florida

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Miami, Florida

Tamara clutched her small belly as she waddled around the house. she paced her way to the kitchen as her stomach growled viciously underneath her. her eyes darted to the digital clock and she seen it was just creeping past midnight. she had snuck out of bed to go retrieve a little snack due to her cravings. it had been 4 months and she indeed was pregnant with Demetrius' child; as a result, she found herself rummaging the cabinets in the middle of the night. she continued to find what she was looking for as her mind flashed back to when she actually found out she was expecting.

the days had last since Tamara and Demetrius had their date night, yet the conversation they shared still lingered on her mind. she found herself getting antsy with the anticipation, but couldn't bring herself to take the pregnancy test. she had bought it and it sat under the cabinet hidden in the back since she bought it. Demetrius had found himself taking extra precaution around her by giving her baby treatment. he was coddling her to no return and she found herself becoming overwhelmed. she didn't even know if she was pregnant for sure, yet he was already taking the extra mile. it warmed her heart, but it only made her more anxious to take the test. he was always making sure she was light on her feet and calling her double the amount then he usually would whenever he was away.

she had actually just hung up the phone with him not too long ago as he just called to check on her. it was early in the morning and Demetrius would be boarding his flight home from a hosting he had to do in Boston. he had only been gone for a day and a half, but he wanted to get him as fast as he could to her. he had a hard time being away from her since they had moved so close to each other. so she should be expecting him to show up in a couple hours when she would have to go pick him up at the airport.

at this moment, she found herself pacing back and forth in the bathroom trying to muster up the courage to take the test. she stared at it once more before ripping it open. she pulled out the instruction reading them over before she quickly ran out her bathroom. she jogged into the kitchen to grab a plastic cup before running back to the bathroom. she pulled down her pants before peeing in the cup and proceeded to wipe herself. she washed her hands briefly before ripping open the pregnancy test. she dipped it into the cup making sure to count the amount of seconds it was supposed to be submerged. finally finishing up she dumped the contents of the cup and awaited the result of the test.

the next couple minutes were some of the more agonizing. she didn't know what to do, but she could feel her heart beating in her ears as her palms began to sweat profusely. she couldn't understand why she was so nervous. she knew that her and Demetrius were practicing the safest forms of contraception so what else could she expect from being reckless. she sighed wiping her palms on her pants before finally seeing that the correct amount of time had passed. the closed her eyes tightly before blindly grabbing the test.

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