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New Jersey

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New Jersey

Tamara's phone had been ringing off the hook all morning, but between clients she didn't have the time to check her personal cell. she sat there concentrated as she painted the lines of her clients nails. making sure her client cured those nails, she moved on to the next hand replicating the same intricate designs. putting the finishing touches on the last finger, her phone rang again as she huffed earning a laugh from her client.

"you're popular today," shanique laughed before switching hands so she could apply topcoat.

"too popular, i don't know what's going on," Tamara laughed as she finished up her nails and began placing topcoat. "i think it's bother Tamara day,"

her client let off a small laugh, "i know the feeling," they both popped up from their seats before her client asked, "how much i owe you?"

"it'll jus be $60," Tamara smiled but internally cried. she always had a tendency of lowballing herself especially when it came to her regular clients. she just spent 2 hours hand painting all her designs, but for some reason gave her $10 off the intended price. unfortunately the words were already put in the air and she couldn't take them. the shop would charge double that she thought to herself.

her client unlocked her phone letting off a small surprised face when she seen the latest instagram post that sat on top of her home page. she eyed it before eyeing her nail tech, then immediately swiped over to cashapp sending her the balance due. "i just sent it babe," she swiped back to the picture almost tempted to say something, but quickly shook her head. after coming to Tamara for 2 years, her client knew that she was a private person and chose not to pry in her personal business; she now understood why her phone was ringing off the hook.

walking her out of her apartment, she finally was able to catch a break since it was her last client of the day. it was nearing 7pm and she had been working back to back today; she barely got a chance to rest. she strolled to the kitchen and pour herself a glass of water with ice before sitting at her kitchen island. she grabbed her phone from her pocket before finally seeing the plethora of notifications that had bombarded her personal phone throughout the day. her eyes nearly bulged out of her head as the water she was drinking got caught in her throat. she coughed before putting the phone down allowing realization to set upon her. she picked the phone back up as she read:

@ TheShadeRoom: Is BMF's latest star seeing somebody?👀 He was spotted this weekend with a mystery girl. It looks like he may be off the market ladies.. #LilMeech

she looked at the pictures attached of them in Miami over the weekend. she sighed letting out a shaky breath before seeing that multiple of her mutuals sent it to her in her dms. she was hearing from people she hadn't talked to in years over this social media fiasco. she had just made it back home early this morning and she could barely catch a break already. between rushing back home and taking the clients she already had booked, this was the last thing she needed right now. she seen she had a text from Demetrius but disregarded it because her mind was too focused on the situation at hand. she sighed taking in all of the incoming messages before she felt herself get overwhelmed. she locked her phone sliding it across the island as it buzzed a couple more times against the counter. she buried her head in her hands before letting out a shaky breath.

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