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Miami, Florida

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Miami, Florida

Tamara looked around her new house and smiled in satisfaction. it was all finally coming together and the furniture was all in place. it still needed some more home decor to give it her own personal touch, but she was glad that her vision was coming to life. for the most part she had almost all the rooms furnished except for the 2 spare bedrooms that she just didn't find the time to get around to. the living room finally looked like home to her and she couldn't be more relieved that everything was finally falling into place. she walked over to the kitchen to make herself a little lunch before she got back to work for the day. she had taken 2 clients already and now she had break before she had more work to tend to.

she looked inside the fridge trying to see what she could possibly throw together before grabbing all the ingredients she would need for a salad. placing them on the counter, she grabbed the knife and cutting board so she could chop the produce. tossing them into a bowl, she grabbed her toppings before sprinkling them on top. it didn't take long before she was done, so she sat down before digging her fork into her food. taking in a mouthful, she gummed in satisfaction before scraping away at the rest. finally done, she washed her dishes before she disappeared up the stairs.

she had walked into the spare guest room that turned into her at home office. her and Demetrius had found the resources to be able to launch her acrylic line. it had been doing way better than she anticipated and she couldn't be more grateful. the room was scattered with products that needed to be shipped out and she knew that would be how she would be spending the rest of her day. she took another another letting out a small breath before humming to herself, "let's get to work," she grabbed her iphone connecting it to the soundbar before letting her playlist play at half volume.

she began to slightly sing the tunes as she start going through orders and organizing them together. she made sure she double checked everything so that she didn't receive any emails about missing items. she had her fair share of slip ups in the beginning but with this new system she had been putting to use, she had been experiencing a lot less errors. it was easy trying to manage a new brands especially when she still couldn't hire many workers. she only had one assistant, but most times she managed to get most of the work done by herself. she always seemed to work better by herself, but there were times when the work load could get overwhelming. she was also still taking clients on the day to day basis being the her clientele did have a slight increase. it could be tiring, but she played for times like this so she knew better than to take them for granted.

she had finally moved on to printing the shipping labels before she started packing the items individually. she made sure to leave a handwritten thank you note in each box before taking them shut. after what seemed like forever, she finally had all the order packaged and labeled properly and now all she had to do what take them to the post office. she grabbed a hamper and began to load the boxes inside so she could take them to the car.

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