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New Jersey

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New Jersey

it had been two weeks and Tamara had finally settled on a place she liked. although Demetrius had offered for her move into his place, she just didn't feel comfortable just yet. she would be moving her whole life from one state to another and she didn't want to solely rely on him. she had some family in the area so it didn't leave her completely alone just in case. she was adamant about buying a house as much as she wanted to rent, she just couldn't see it as a financial gain in her books. being that she was so picky, she spent day in and day out talking with the realtor that Demetrius hired for her. finally finding something close to her dream house, she hoped everything sailed smoothly.

she had put a lot of thought into the idea of moving and didn't find any harm in relocating. she wasn't doing it solely for Demetrius because she also felt that she needed a change in life. the few times she had visited, she loved the vibe in comparison to New Jersey and the warm weather was a plus. she was growing tired of the cold and the same environment. of course she would miss the familiar faces, but unfortunately they had grown too familiar and she got tired of the same things. it seemed like nobody around her had aspirations of ever leaving and she couldn't see herself spending the rest of her life here. she needed something to change and maybe it would help her mentally. her relationship with Meech played a secondary part because she did long to be close to him. she knew that living in Jersey wasn't an option that either one has considered so it was only right that she relocated. she hoped that this would cease some of the problems they had encountered, but she would also be grateful for the push it gave her to grow.

she looked around her apartment at all the boxes that were packed in front of her and sighed placing her hands on her hips. this would be the last time she would be calling this state home for what could turn out to be forever. the memories that she made throughout her life began to flood her memory as her eyes began to well up. she blinked back the tears instantly thinking about the palm trees that awaited her in the south; it was almost bittersweet. she felt herself getting overwhelmed with emotions before a voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"is that everything baby?" her mother came around the corner dusting her hands off.

"yeah i think that's everything," Tamara sighed as her mother wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"you're really leaving me," her mother frowned before giving her a tight squeeze.

"i'm only a phone call and a flight away, plus its time for a change, i need it," Tamara explained which was true. she had lived in her hometown almost all her life and desperately needed to branch off. she was so used to the comfortability that came with being home, but she needed to break out of her shell and experience life differently. although Meech motivated the move, it was something she had been thinking about for a while now; she just needed a little extra push.

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