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New Jersey

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New Jersey

the sound of constant buzzing began to irritate Tamara as her phone kept ringing. the trilling seemed like it wouldn't cease to exist which caused her to huff in frustration. she picked up her phone without even taking a glance at the caller ID ready to curse out whoever was on the other end.

"Hello?" her aggressive tone was laced all through her voice, but she wasn't sure if it was client so she couldn't be too unprofessional.

"open the door," his deep voiced grumbled over the other end.

"what?" she questioned confused. she heard the line beep before looking at her phone seeing that the call ended. she seen it was approaching 6am and quickly shuffled out of bed throwing the covers off her body. her bonnet was hanging off her head so she pulled it up to adjust it before grabbing a throw blanket to wrap around her body. she sluggishly walked towards the door before glancing through the peephole. to her surprise there stood Demetrius with a hood over his head and a bag of luggage slung over his shoulder. she swung the door open before looking at him stale face, "what are you doing here?"

he pushed inside the house before turning on his heel to look at her, "you wasn't answering the phone, i wanted to see if you had that same energy when i was in ya face," he shrugged walking up on her. he dropped his bag beside his feet before backing her into the door, "what's all that about?" his arms trapped her in between the door and him.

"i thought you was single so why you worried if we speak," she turned to look away biting the inside of her cheek while hugging the blanket close to her.

he gently grabbed her chin turning her to face him, "yeah? that's how you feel?" 

she mentally cursed herself; she wondered how he knew where she lived, but remembered she sent him a picture of her license when he booked her a flight. she never thought he would use the information to just pop up at her house. she looked him in the eye and did an internal gulp, "that's how you feel obviously,"

"how else i'm supposed to feel when you ignoring me for days on end? when's the last time i heard from you?" he emphasized raising his eyebrows.

"i don't know," she shrugged her shoulder looking at the ground briefly before looking back into his eyes.

"a week ago," he examined her and even in the morning she still had a natural beauty that attracted him towards her. he wanted to badly fold and give her exactly what she needed right there, but he refrained because he meant business. he had to stand on what he was saying and show her he wasn't playing. "now you wanna tell what's that about?"

she felt her eyes sting a little bit as she held back tears. she looked down blinking her eyes trying to get rid of the feeling. she refused to let them fall no matter how desperately they wanted to, "it was just too much," she blew out a breath she didn't know she was holding, "too much for me," she pushed past him walking to her living room and sitting on the couch.

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