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New Jersey

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New Jersey

after lounging around the house for a few hours, Demetrius and Tamara were genuinely enjoying their time together. Tamara had her legs placed in his lap and she laid her head on his shoulder; Demetrius gently rubbed her legs and feet as the movie played on the screen in front of them. the soundbar echoed throughout the living room as the room darkening curtains left the room nearly pitch black. Demetrius reached to pass the blunt to her before she grabbed it and took a puff. she exhaled letting the smoke out before her stomach rumbled indicating she needed to eat something soon. they hadn't eaten since earlier when Demetrius chose to prepare them a small meal. it wasn't anything too complicated, but Tamara appreciated the gesture and enjoyed her spaghetti for lunch. it was nearing 7pm now and that meant that it would be dinner time. the air was cloudy with smoke from the 2 blunts they had just smoked back to back and the munchies were definitely settling in.

"come on, i wanna take you out," Demetrius looked over at her causing her to peel her eyes away from the movie. he heard her stomach growl and took this as the perfect opportunity to show her he meant everything he was saying.

"it was just getting good though," she whined a little before focusing back on the screen; the movie had her full attention right now. she really didn't want to get up, but she knew her body was telling her different.

"we can watch it when we get back, yo stomach going crazy over there," he laughed as it rumbled again.

she sighed before grabbing the remote and pausing the movie. she stood up allowing the cover to drop from her body before lifting her arms up to stretch. Demetrius eyed her from behind before delivering a heavy smack to her butt. "owww," she hissed before rubbing over the spot. she bent over to pick up the blanket and he gently caressed where he had just hit. "now you can fold the blanket," she tossed it at his face before walking off to the bathroom.

"that ain't shit babygirl," he called after her laughing before standing up and proceeding to stretch. he grabbed the blanket and began folding it up like she had instructed. he laid it on the couch before he began straightening up slightly. they had been in lazy mode all day so there was a little mess that had accumulated in the living room. he heard the shower begin to run so he made sure the living area was clean before went and grabbed his suitcase that still sat next to the door way. he trailed over to the bedroom that he had seen earlier in the day and began to look through his belongings to find an outfit to wear for the night. he figured it would be nice to get out and have a small date night even if it was spur of the moment. he finally settled on an outfit before heading over to the bathroom to see it was steamed up from the hot water.

he grabbed a towel and washcloth before placing it on the counter. he began to strip out of his clothes before he pushed back the shower curtains causing Tamara to jump in response. she was so caught up in her own world that she hadn't even heard him come into the bathroom.

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