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New York City, New York

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New York City, New York

Demetrius sighed as he stepped out of the airport taking in the loudness of the city streets. although it was morning time, it seemed like everybody was out and about. the brisk air nipped at his skin as he zipped up his jacket.
"it's colder than a mf out here," he spoke quietly to himself stuffing his hands back in his pocket temporarily. he hopped inside the black suv that awaited him as he slung his Louis Vuitton duffel bag in the seat beside him. he leaned back to get comfortable before pulling his phone out his pocket. he felt his body slightly jolt indicating that the driver had began his route. he clicked through some notifications before seeing he had a text from his favorite person as of recently.

hope you had a safe flight😘

he smiled at the message because although it was so little, attention from her had him craving more. he had his fair share of one night stands, but he never felt the need to make it more than that with those girls. he simply would forget they even existed while they would just want to brag about the fact that they got a chance with him. he soon grew tired of the bragging rights that came with fucking random females that he slowed down and started focusing on his career. with more to lose now, he couldn't afford to be messing with these gold digging bitches. a lot of the time, they only seen dollar signs when it came to him and he was sick of it. he wanted someone to genuinely like him for his personality and not just what he had to offer. he could lose it all tomorrow but who would still be at his side?

dealing with Tamara was almost like a breath of fresh air. she was independent and almost too independent if you asked him. she worked harder than a lot of people he knew and that attracted him to her more. she had her own everything and didn't have a hand out looking for more. it was rare these days too find a female that had her head screwed on straight when it came to priorities and Meech found himself holding onto her.

i just landed not too long ago. im
on my way to the hotel now.

let me know when you get in safe

how bout you come make sure i got in safe
i miss you & bring some clothes
i gotta show my face at some club tn
attached: 1 location

imma get ready & i'll
let you know when i'm omw
i miss you too

Demetrius smiled down at his phone seeing how she didn't give him any push or pull. it had been 3 weeks since he had last seen her and it had him on edge. the night they spent together left him hypnotized and waking up to her the next morning was refreshing. it was something he had not experienced since his first puppy love and he wanted to dive deeper into the feeling. since meeting they had spent everyday shooting each other simple goodmorning texts and when time permitted, they talked for hours over the phone about any and everything. he felt like a kid again when they played 21 questions getting to know each other. he never thought at his grown age he would be pacing around the house smiling with the phone glued to his ear. he managed to sweep and mop every room in his apartment while conversing with her one night. he almost regretted it when had to wake up the next morning for a business meeting, but still found himself getting caught up with her every time. it took one time for him to over sleep by 10 minutes and Tamara took it upon herself to be his personal alarm clock. he had heard a mouthful from 50 cent about his punctuality that day and when he vented about it to her, she made a vow to never interfere with his career. it didn't matter how long or late they stayed up, Tamara would call his phone until he picked up in order for him to be on time.

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