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Question: how did you find my book?

Miami, Florida

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Miami, Florida

Tamara was awakened by the sunlight that crept through the slits of the blinds. she opened them up and immediately regretted it as they burned slightly. she groaned internally before feeling Demetrius stir behind her. his arms wrapped around her waist tighter as he snuggled closer into her. she let off a small smile, taking in the peaceful feeling that she had been yearning for. his head crept into the crook of her neck as he placed light kisses on the skin.

"Good morning," his raspy morning voice danced across her neck sending a small shiver down her spine. she automatically felt a pool between her legs but sustained from acting on it further. yesterday they had their fair share of fornication and she knew fat ma could use a break.

"Good morning," she cracked a small smile before snuggling deeper into his chest, "you need to invest in some room darkening blinds i can't take all this light,"

"that's cause you act like a vampire, the light is good for you," he laughed before letting off a small yawn.

"not this early, i need time to adjust," she said seriously with her eyes still closed shielding her from the sunlight.

"too bad so sad baby girl," he rolled over before grabbing his rolling tray and proceeded to break down a backwood. removing the guts he discarded them in the tiny trash can next to his bed. he grabbed the marijuana before crushing it and sprinkling inside the leaf. he began to lick it closed as Tamara got comfortable leaning against his headboard. she stretched her arms letting out a big yawn before looking over at him smiling. he placed the blunt between his lips before bringing the lighter to it in order to spark it. he took a puff holding it with one hand before he grabbed his phone to check for any new notifications. he seen he had a couple but one stood out in particular from Jade.

Trynna pop out to this club with me tonight?

he responded back with a simple Yeah before going to pass the blunt to Tamara. she was too engrossed in her phone to realized so he tapped her thigh, "here," she looked up squinting her eyes before grabbing the blunt, "you act so blind," he laughed before going back to his phone.

"shut up you know i wear glasses," she huffed before taking a pull from the blunt. "i don't even know where they at right now, i know i put them somewhere," she stifled a laugh.

"yeah put them shits on thelma," he snickered before continuing, "we going out tonight wit the mob. that's cool wit you?" he looked over to her with questioning eyes.

"yeah that's cool," she nodded taking another hit before passing the blunt back to him. she got up from her sitting position before trailing off to the bathroom. she sat on the toilet doing her business before she got up to wash her hands. she grabbed her toothbrush and proceeded to brush her teeth and wash her face after. Demetrius came in the midst of her routine and grabbed his hygiene essentials and proceeded to follow suit. once she was finished she patted her face dry and waltzed out of the bathroom. she grabbed her facial lotions and lathered her face before she grabbed their previous blunt relighting it while walking around his room. she observed everything around her before going and sitting back in the bed. her stomach growled as she watched Demetrius walked through the doorway. she faced him with questioning eyes before asking, "are you hungry?"

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