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Hello People!

How are ya?!

First off, THANK YOU!

Thank you so much for reading thus 'first' Ticci Toby book. Did i say first? Yup, i did.

Readers of this story, be ready to read even more if you liked this story. I'm starting a sequel for this! Yay! I just started with my new chapter and i hope that i'll post it soon.

It would be amazing if you'd check it out when it's out.

It's called 'Burn it'.

When i'm done with my first chapter i'll post a chapter on this story. Damn, when i think about it haven't posted anything here for months....Well, i can't wait to get started with my new Ticci Toby story, or part two of this one.

Well, see ya!

The love of a killer || TICCI TOBY X READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora