Insanity took over (part 1)

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Toby's pov...

Me and the other pastas have been gone for a week now and we are finally going home. I was so happy that i could see y/n again after one week! That's one week too long!! I sighted after walking for hours. "are we there yet?" Dark link asked anoyed. "no" Slender said more anoyed. Dark link had asked this like hundred times in five hours. I heard Dark ask again and i facepalmed. "can you shut up?" I asked really, and i mean really anoyed tone. "yes" Said slender after Dark asked. I looked at slender and back at Dark who was grinning at me. I growled and began walking again. When slender said 'yes' i thought he ment that we had to walk ten minutes or something, NOT TWO HOURS! We had still 15 min left after that!! We rested a little bit at the lake. I just walked a little around the lake while the others sat down and rested. My eyes widned as i found like 20 dead bodies around the lake. One of them was leaned against a tree with a stick through his head and a hole in his back. There were flyes around them and some of them were just skin and bones after animals and flyes have eaten on them. I watched all the dead bodies laying around on the green grass. I looked at the one with the stick through his head and soon recognized him. Y/n's old bully. Soon i saw that most of the dead ones were boys, but some of them were girls. I looked more closely at the girls and found out that they were the girls who allways talked bad about y/n. Where ever she was they would allways pick on her for no good reason. I sighted and stood up from sitting down at the stone. I walked back to the others as i saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see nothing but trees. I shrugged and kept walking when i realised something and stoped. Who could have killed them? Let's see. Some of them had lost their heads, ithers had lost their arms and legs. This pointed to one person that i know really well. The one and only, y/n. Something must have happend while i was gone. I heatd Slender call my name so i ran over to him. Beside i had to tell him. "child, we have to get back to the mansion. I got a feeling something's not right" Slender said and gathered everybody. "I saw alot of dead bodies around her. Like 20 or something. All of them were y/n's old bullies" He told me that he was going to teleport some of the pastas to the mansion to sheck on her. He choosed Me, Ben, Masky, Jane and Hoodie. As we arrived to the mansion Slender teleported back to ot the rest of the pastas. Me and Ben were the first ones to run inside. "Ok we have to split up to find her faster. I'll go search in second floor. Ben, go and look in the third floor and Masky, Hoodie and Jane can look in the first floor over this" We all nodded and ran inside and we were shocked.Grinny and Smile were in cages for some reason. There were 3 dead bodies in chairs taid up and tortured to death. There was shattered glas on the floor and we found her hatchets stuck in the wall and in one of the bodies head. I have to say, this creeped me out. We walked to the livingroom and saw that on the table were three big claw marks. On the wall were more. The fethers from the pillows were spread all over the place. The T.V was fine thought. The xbox as well and all the other videogames. Ben sighted in relife before running up the stairs. Me and the others stayed down here and looked shocked. what happend while we were gone?


So this isn't actyally a long chapter, but something happend to you while they were gone. You wonder what? You're going to find out in the next chapter. hope you liked the chapter. See ya!

The love of a killer || TICCI TOBY X READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora