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Your pov...

I woke up. I opened my eyes slowly and my vision was blured right now. My vision adjusted and i shaked my head a little. I looked around and noticed that i was in a room. I was on a bed still a werewolf of course. I stood up and sretched before walking down the stairs. I knew now where i was. I was in slender mansion. I growled. 'hey, take it easy, will ya? It's just a mansion. I'm sure we can get out' Shadow said. Yeah, you're right. I walked to the kitchen and there sat Masky and Hoodie eating cheese cake. "oh, hey Masky and Hoodie" I said in a bored voice. "hey. How are you feeling? Slender said we were going to bring you here" I sighted and walked to the fridge. I opened it and took out some jam. "wait, you eat jam?" Masky asked slightly confused. "yeah. I'm maybe a werewolf, but that dosen't mean that i don't eat some human food" I said slightly irritated. Masky took his hands up in defense and turned back to eat his piece of cheese cake. I ate and walked to the living room. I was bored so i laid down on the carpet and began rolling around. "eeeeh...w-what are y-you d-doing?" I heard Hoodie say. I stoped and looked at him before hitting him so he fell to the floor. He rubbed his head and tried to get up, but i was already ontop of him. I grinned evily and he stared at me. "w-what are y-you doing? y-y/n?" He asked scared and confused. "Oh, nothing. Just playing" I took my paw and placed it on his stomach. "Y-Y/N?!!!" Hoodie yelled. "Shhh, quiet. It will be over soon" With that i revield my claws and began digging them down in his stomach. He scramed in pain and tried to push me off. That didn't really work. "y-Shadow?!" Hoodie noticed. My eyes are black. My smiled began to fade and i fell back on the floor shaking. "i-I'm so-so sor-rry" I Said slightly paralized. "I-it's ok" He said hugging me. I hugged back trying not to hurt him. My eyes changed color all the time from black to e/c. I won the battle over my own body and cried slightly. "I'm sorry Hoodie" I whispered. He rubbed my back but i felt him fall back. I looked at him and he began blacking out from blood loss. "Oh no" I stood up and looked at him taking a deep breath. I haven't walked on two legs for a while. I only stand on then to look bigger. I stood up and picked him up bridal style. I began walking and almost fell some times. I howled as loud as i could so it sounded like i was hurt, but it's not me, it's Hoodie. Masky came down the stairs. "what i- HOODIE!" He ran over and my hind feet began to give after. I laid him down and fell. I panted and saw that Hoodie was brough to dr. Smiley. I sighted in relife. I got on my feet and walked again on all my four. I sat down infront of the window and watched the rain. It was in the middle of the night so no one was awake. I heard footsteps and saw Masky with his head down. "M-Masky? What's wrong? Is Hoodie ok?" I stood up looking at him. He raised his head and his eyes were full of tears. That's when i knew it. Hoodie. He's not here anymore. "No..." I whispered. I fell to the floor and held myself up with my hands. I let the tears fall and Masky came over to me and hugged me around my neck. I couldn't hold it. I cried. Masky cried into my neck and hugged me tight. How could you? 'What! I wanted to kill someone!' You didn't have to kill someone that i love! 'Ugh! sorry then!' Sorry's not enough. "Shadow did this" I cried. "It's ok, at leats you didn't do it" I smiled as he said that. "if you want, you can go and rest" I nodded and walked up to the room again. I looked at the door and noticed that this was my old room. I walked inside and iver to the closet. i opened it and all my clothes were still there. i smiled and closed it. I walked to the bed and curled up in a ball closing my eyes. I quickly opened them as i heard sobing. I raised my gead and moved my ears to the direcion of the sound. I soon stood up and opened my door closing it after me. I walked to room where the sound came from. On the door was a picture of cheesecake. Two actually. I sighted sadly opening the door. There on the bed laid Masky crying in his sleep. I looked at him sadly. I cloed the door and laid next to him. He hugged me and let the taers stream. "it's ok, i'm here" I said and laid my head down next his. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleed in his arms.

Oh no! Hoodie is gone! Well, you still have Masky. You fell asleep in his cute. Hope you liked the chapter. See ya!!

The love of a killer || TICCI TOBY X READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora