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Hellooo! So how was your christmas? I was just wondering, beacuse yesterday was christmas and well, you get prestents and stuff. Eating food and celebrate with your family. I had a fun christmas and i got new headphones! My cats ate my headphones.....two times.... So these are bluetooth headphones so if the cats eat the cable i can just use bluetooth. Smart? Well, i wasn't actually going to talk about myself. I'm not that kind of girl...soo yeah. And if you're wondering why i wrote 'Meooooow' it's beacuse i love cats! I just can't live without them. I have three myself....and a dog. That's also why my username is Mao_mao11 beacuse that's what i say everyday. Instead of meow, i say mao. Oh well, i'm not going to TALK about MYSELF! omg!!! I wasn't.... you know what? forget it. Thank you all for reading my story and for liking the chapters. AND sory for being kind of wierd, but i'm just....diffrent somehow. Besides everybody tells me i'm wierd, BUT in a good way:3 well, see ya!

The love of a killer || TICCI TOBY X READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora