Killing spree.

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(y/n)'s.  p.o.v

Two months ago I ran away with Toby from a mental hospital. Today is the first time I'm going on a killing spree with him. Both used hatchets so Toby had taught me.

I put on a (f/c) hoodie and black jeans and some (f/c) converse. I put on some black gloves and ran down the stairs from my room (yeah you have your own room in the mansion).

I had to run up again to get my hatchets. I let out a growl and ran down again. I saw Toby waiting by the door for you. "ready?" he asked putting his hatchets in his belt.

"I'm totally ready!" I jumped up and down like a kid and clapped my hands. We ran trough the woods and jumped trough a window as soon as we were through. 

I didn't get the same house as Toby of course. You were in a room that looked like it was from a girl, but no one was inside it. You walked out of the room and into the next door.

Another bedroom, but again no one was there.  You walked down the stairs and into the livingroom. There was a woman sitting on the couch watching TV. She looked so familiar.

You walked a little closer and froze. You couldn't believe your own eyes. "M-mom?" you asked out. She looked at you and gasped.

"Where have you been?!" She ran over to me and hugged me and I hugged back of course. "I was with a friend" I couldn't tell about Toby, she would freak out. 

We stood like this at least 30 min for some odd reason. I wanted to let go but I couldn't, it was like she just wanted to keep me in her arms. 

I heard something outside the door. Sirence. "Mum I have to go, please let go" I told her but she just held tighter on to me.

"Sorry, I can't" she said with a soft voice. "Mom!" I tried to get away but I didn't have any choice now. "I'm sorry mom, but I was sent to kill you and I have to do my job" 

I took out a knife and stabbed her in the chest. She died in a second, and I heard the door slam open. I ran trough the back door and into the woods while crying.

Toby came and stopped me when we were far away from the police. "What's wrong (y/n)? what happend?" "I-I killed my own mother..." I cried into his chest and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry. everything will be ok, I promise" He told me as he stroke my back and comforted me. "She called the police, I didn't have any choice" You said still crying.

"you didn't do anything wrong" we walked to the mansion and I made some hot chacolate and some waffles.

I didn't think about my mom again. She tried to get me arrested after all, maybe she deserved it, who knows.


Would you kill your mom if she tried to get you arrested? I would, if I was a creepypasta of course, or a killer.
Hope you liked the chapter. see ya!

The love of a killer || TICCI TOBY X READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora