chapter i.

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Growing up as the daughter of Mr

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Growing up as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thornton, I'm already praised for every little thing I do. I live at one of the fanciest houses on Figure Eight, where I have literally not a single care in the world. I'm the perfect student, perfect daughter, perfect sister, perfect girlfriend. It's like living inside bubble wrap. Every breath I take is carefully monitored by my prestigious parents. I know its stuck-up of me to say, but sometimes I envy the people on the other side of the cut. They can do whatever they want, whenever they want, without having to live up to a certain reputation. And so that's why as soon as my parents turn their back, I'm out getting into deep shit with my best friends, the Pogues.


"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" The three boys and Kiara chant as I stood on top of the chateau coffee table, chugging a half empty of bottle of white wine.

I cheer in excitement, holding the empty bottle above my head as the others clapped me on.

"Attagirl!" JJ says with a chuckle, holding his hand out for me. I take his hand, carefully getting off the coffee table and stumbling into his arms with a laugh.

"Way to go, Kook Princess." Kiara says, pressing a cigarette to her lips as she flops onto the couch. I can never tell if this girl genuinely hates me or if she's just joking.

I hear my phone ring on the couch for probably the 5th time this evening. "Jesus christ." I say with a groan, grabbing my phone and seeing the name "Rafe C." pop up.

"Better answer before blondie comes and beats our asses." JJ says with a smirk, taking a sip of his beer as he sits on the couch, pulling me down besides him.

I answer the phone and press it to my ear. "Everything okay, Mr. Cameron?" I say with a giggle, an obvious slur in my words. Everyone's attention turns to me as they can hear the angry shouts coming from my phone speaker. "Babe, I already told you, I'm at John B's place. Don't be such a-" I gasp and set my phone down, looking around at everyone. "The bitch hung up on me!" I exclaim.

"That's what you get for dating an entitled psychopath." JJ says with a shrug.

"So is he gonna come beat our asses or what?" John B says with a chuckle.

"Probably." I say with a giggle, leaning back into JJ's arms.

"What do you even see in him anyways?" JJ asks.

"I mean, he has his charming moments. But it's mainly because my parents wanna keep up their perfect family image." I say, putting air quotes around 'perfect'. "And it's just easier. His sister dating my brother..."

"So if you get married you're all just gonna be a big group of siblings?" Pope asks.

"Well it's gross when you put it like that!" I say with a laugh. "Plus, I don't even wanna get married. I'm a free woman."

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