chapter xvii.

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"Dad. I need help with something." I whisper.

"What is it, sweetheart?" He whispers back.

"Come." I say quietly, leading him slowly down to his office.

I open the door fully, expecting to see John B standing with his gun pointed at the two of us. Expecting him to lash out. Scream, cry, shoot us.

But I opened the door to nothing. The window was propped open and the wind blew in, whipping at our faces.

"Yes, Juliette?" My father asks me, his once concerned expression now confused.

Something on his wooden desk caught my eye. It was a photo. I slowly walk over and pick it up.

It was a picture of Ward, my father, and Big John. The three of them sat on a boat together and they all seemed to be immensely happy about something.

A date was scribbled on the bottom left corner.


The day before Big John went missing.

"Dad?" I ask quietly, turning to face the older man.

"You would never hurt anyone, right?"

"What do you mean, honey?" The man chuckles.

After staring at my father for a few more moments, I just couldn't picture it. My dad killing someone? Sarah's dad killing someone? That's fucking crazy.

"Nevermind, dad. I'm sorry, I was snooping in your office." I mutter, shoving past him.

"I have some work to do, we're gonna talk about this later." My father yells after me.

I open my front door, and unsurprisingly the red motorcycle was nowhere to be seen, as well as Kiara's truck. But there he sat, sitting on the sidewalk with a cigarette in his hand.

"Jay?" I take a few steps closer.

The blond turns and I basically recoil at the sight of him.

"Jules." Rafe drops his cigarette to the floor, immediately standing up and walking over to me.

"What are you doing here?" I take a step back as he approaches me.

"You know your buddy, Barry? I got rid of him. For you." A prideful smile overtook Rafe's face.

"What do you mean 'got rid of him'?" Panic arrises in my voice, praying to god that he didn't hurt him.

"Just gave him a lil' gift." He raises his fist to reveal his bloodied and bruised knuckles. "He won't be messin' with you guys anymore."

"What the fuck, Rafe? I had him under control!" I shout, watching the smile disappear from his face.

"Jules, you should be thanking me. I- I try to be good for everyone. You, my dad-" He stammers, a shocked look on his face.

UNHOOKED ; jj maybank.Where stories live. Discover now