chapter xiv.

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"Damn, dramatic ass

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"Damn, dramatic ass."

My head jerks up, staring at a blond boy who stood in front of my open window.

"What the hell, JJ?" I sit up in my bed, adjusting my body so I'm facing him.

"What? Thought you wanted to fight." He smiles, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Not in my room. You'd mess it up." I say defensively, knowing I was just backing down.

"Then we can do it in your bed."

It takes me a moment for my brain to process the words, and as soon as I do my face scrunches up into a disgusted look.

"Your gross, J." I hit his chest in annoyance.

"What? You're acting like we didn't just-"

"Shut up." I cut him off, feeling slightly awkward about what we did last night.

"So, why are you really here?" I tilt my head.

"Bored." He lays on his back and stares up at the ceiling.

"Kiara couldn't keep you entertained?" I tease.


"Sure looked like she did last night." I mutter.

He sits up quickly, looking at me with confusion. "What do you mean? I was with you."

"Really? You were so wasted you can't remember?" I ask, jealousy fuming out of my mouth.

"No, I-"

"There's a photo of you two going around." I was visibly upset, not only shown on my face but also in my tone.

"Funny you mention that. John B showed me a photo of.. what was it... oh! You and Rafe." JJ's tone suddenly matched mine. He stood up and walked over to my dresser, analyzing the items that rested upon it.

"Why are you even here if you're mad at me?" I blurt out, detecting the angriness in his voice.

"You started this, Kie!" JJ raises his tone slightly, turning to look at me. His eyes widen once he realized the words that slipped out his mouth.

"Kie?" I scoff, rolling my eyes and getting up to walk over to him.

"I- You know I didn't mean it! We were talking about her-"

"I don't even know why we're arguing over this. So what if we slept together a few times. I can kiss whoever I want and so can you." I raise my hands up in defense, taking a step back from the fuming boy.

"Uh, no."

"Uh, yes. I don't see a ring on my finger." I hold up my left hand and wiggle my fingers in front of his face.

JJ runs his tongue over his teeth and shakes his head in annoyance, a small smile cracking on his lips. "God, you're so-"

The sound of a lock unlatching and a loud banging sound comes from outside my door.

UNHOOKED ; jj maybank.Where stories live. Discover now