chapter x.

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The directions to the warehouse were fairly simple, but majority of the car ride was down a small road surrounded by trees, with literally not a single car besides ours

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The directions to the warehouse were fairly simple, but majority of the car ride was down a small road surrounded by trees, with literally not a single car besides ours.

"They keep money out here?" Pope asks skeptically, looking around at the run-down houses that were hidden by the greenery.

"That's what she said." JJ shrugs. He laughs a bit after realizing the words that came out of his mouth. "That's what she sai-" He repeats.

"Stop." Pope deadpans him.

I laugh at the interaction before speaking up. "I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive."

"'Cause you're rich." JJ shoots me a look.

"You've never heard of it either." Kiara says, looking at the blond boy.

"Thank you." I say to Kie, acknowledging her for defending me.

"Woah, woah. Did I miss something? Are you guys.. getting along?" JJ's eyes dart between the two of us.

"Fuck no." I scoff.

"Shut up, Jay." Kiara slaps the boy across his chest.

As we continue down the dirt road path, the sound of sirens coming up behind us sends us all into panic mode.

"Cops? Out here?" Pope asks, turning around in his seat to look out the back window.

"God! Are you kidding me?" JJ shouts.

"Why are we getting pulled over?" I say, looking around the car for anything that could've led this to happen.

"Stash that." John B turns around to face JJ after stopping the car.

JJ wraps the slab of gold in a thin towel before hiding it in the compartment under his seat.

"Did you bring the gun?" John B asks the boy.

"No. Everyone told me to leave it at the place."

Everyone begins ordering JJ around, grabbing all the weed and alcohol that laid on the floor and shoving it under the seats.

I look out the window, seeing a figure with a bandanna covering most of his face walking up with a gun in his hand. "He's walking up!" I alert everybody.

Right as John B turns his head to the window, a cocked gun is pointed in his face.

"Why don't I go ahead and see them hands in the air?" The masked figure says. I felt like I recognized the voice, but I wasn't sure from where, and I couldn't get a good look at the person.

"All y'all's hands up in the air now!" The man yells. The five of us all put our hands up, as he orders John B to exit the car.

"Let them out!" The man shouts in John B's face.

John B hesitantly takes a few steps forward, which only caused the man to yell more as John B walked slowly to the other side of the van and opened the door.

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