chapter iv.

190 6 1

"Hey- hey guys

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"Hey- hey guys. Bogey, 2:00." Kiara says, her eyes fixated on a boat that was speeding up to us.

"What are they doing back here? The marsh is closed." Pope asks as John B turns the motor back on.

"JJ, get the bowline." John B orders, everyones eyes on the boat that was beginning to catch up.

I sat quietly in a curled up ball, watching as everyone rushed around.

"Should we wait on them?" Pope asks.

"Are you joking? JJ hurry up!" Kie urges.

"Go, go, go!" JJ says quickly as he finishes pulling up the bowline.

"I'm going! Act natural." John B says, as he begins to steer the boat straight into the marsh.

I glance behind us, seeing the boat nearer than expected. "Guys, they're following us." An underline of worry was very noticeable in my tone.

"Dude, go faster! Gun it!" JJ shouts at John B.

A loud noise echoes in the air and a bullet flies straight past my head.

"Holy shit!" Pope yells, as we all duck down.

I look at JJ from across the boat, fear in my eyes as I fidget with my hoodie sleeve.

"It's okay." JJ mouths silently to me, giving me a reassuring nod.

"John B, get down!" Kie yells, seeing that John B was still standing up straight so he could steer the boat.

"Oh my god, we're gonna die." Pope says, as two more bullets fly straight pass us.

I look around quickly, trying to think of anything to help. "Shit- Pope, move!" I say as I stand up, kneeling on the backseats of the boat, beginning to unravel a net that I found on the floor.

"Get down, Julie!" JJ shouts, a mixture of anger and fear in his voice as another bullet barely misses my head.

I finally get the net untangled and I toss it behind our boat, watching as it gets stuck in the motor of the boat behind us.

I duck down again as they fire more bullets, using my hands to cover my ears.

We finally turn the cover, loosing track of them and JJ comes over to help me up.

"Not bad, princess." JJ says with a grin, kissing my forehead as he wraps his arms around me.

The others cheer in excitement as we head back to the chateau.

I stare straight ahead at the road, the moon gleaming down on the pavement. JJ at the wheel and me in the passenger's seat.



"Answer me honestly."

UNHOOKED ; jj maybank.Where stories live. Discover now