chapter viii.

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A knock on the front door of the chateau startled us all awake

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A knock on the front door of the chateau startled us all awake. We'd been waiting for JJ since he said he'd be here around 4. He's three hours late.

Pope rushes up to open the door, revealing something that made everyone gasp in shock.

JJ stood in the doorway, his face bloodied and bruised.

I stand up, beginning to head over to him, but Kiara beat me to it. She ran up to the hurt boy, enveloping him into her arms.

I watched how JJ basically crumbled in her arms, his face buried in the crook of her neck, and I could hear her whispering faintly to him.

I know it's selfish of me to think this, considering the boy was so badly hurt, but in that moment, I was filled with jealousy.

John B's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "What the fuck, JJ? Did the cops do this?" He asks concerned.

JJ chuckles as he slowly slithers out of Kiara's grip. "Nah, my dad just gave me a little jab." He shrugs.

Guilt flooded my body. I had been complaining about my father to JJ not even 3 days ago.

"That doesn't look like a 'jab', bro." Pope's gaze saddened.

All I could do was stare. I examined the blood dripping from his lip. The bruises scattered across his face.

I kept my eyes on his face, but purposely avoided his eyes. I couldn't bear to look him in the eye, but I knew he was looking at me.

He pushed past Kiara and wrapped his arms around me. My eyes finally met his as I held him.

I held him like I never had before. I was scared if I let go he'd disappear.

My shoulder felt wet, and I heard slight sniffles coming from him.

"I'm so sorry, Jay." I whisper.

"Restitution is $25,000." He mutters.

"What?" Pope exclaims from behind us.

I pull away from the hug, wiping his tears for him. "I-I can try to get him to drop charges."

"Guys. Hello, the gold?" John B speaks up.

"You're worrying about the gold right now?" Kiara asks angrily.

"No, you idiot. We can bring some up and pawn it. JJ can use it for his restitution."

"Well if we do that we're gonna have to get the gold like, now." Pope says.

"I'm ready if y'all are." John B dangles his keys.

Everyone nods in agreement, and I look up at the blond boy. "We're gonna help you, okay?" I reassure him.

"C'mon, Jay." Kiara says from behind us, motioning to the door that everyone else had walked out of.

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