chapter ix.

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I roll over in bed, my back turning against the blazing sun that shone through the window

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I roll over in bed, my back turning against the blazing sun that shone through the window. My eyes still shut, I use my hand to pat the bed, blindly searching for the warmth of his body.

My eyes flick open after realizing the boy had gotten out of bed. I sit up, darting my eyes around the room, noticing the door slightly ajar.

I pull myself out of bed and walk out the door, entering the chateau living room. My eyes land on two happily chatting figures on the couch, JJ and Kiara.

"It's 11 in the morning and you guys are already high?" I ask, motioning to the rolled up blunt in JJ's hand.

"Might as well be, we got a busy day ahead of us." Kiara says with a shrug, causing JJ to smirk.

My eyes go back and forth between the two, watching the looks they shared between each other. I had literally just spent the night in bed with JJ, and I wake up to find him getting high with Kiara?

I mean sure, us sleeping together wasn't anything romantic, and I knew he had a reputation for getting with a lot of girls. And I mean, a lot. Pogues, kooks, tourons. He's done 'em all. Literally.

But maybe I'm just crazy for thinking we were anything more than just a hookup.

Maybe Rafe fucked me up so bad that any guy who gives me attention I'm immediately head over heels for. Which is silly, considering I've pulled almost every guy I've wanted.

"I'm gonna get some fresh air." I say, quickly heading to the front door and stepping outside. I walk through the dead grass and climb into the hammock that swayed between two tall trees.

As I lay peacefully, I pull out my cell to see my phone blown up with hundreds of messages. All which consisted of being from my parents, Topper, Rafe, and Sarah.

Seeing that I only had 5% left, I use that time to call Sarah.

Within the first two rings, the girl picks up.

"Where the hell have you been, Jules?"

"I've been at the chateau, I'm fine."

"Your parents, and mine, have been up my ass trying to figure out where you were. You can't go ghost like that!"

"I know, I know. But uh, can you pick me up real quick? I need clothes and-"

"Wait, wait. I'm getting you so you can get clothes. And then you're just gonna go MIA again?"

"Please, Sarah. I promise I'll keep in touch this time. It's just- after JJ landed himself in jail, things have been pretty hard."

"He sunk your brother's boat, Jules."

"I know, okay? Just, please."

Silence filled the air as I waited for a response.

"Fine. I'll be there in 10." Sarah abruptly hangs up, and I decide to use my 10 minutes to rest my eyes.

UNHOOKED ; jj maybank.Where stories live. Discover now