chapter xv.

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The sound of wind chimes and birds chirping outside my window alert me awake

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The sound of wind chimes and birds chirping outside my window alert me awake. Warm sun rays shone through the glass, landing on my bare arm which rested on a bare chest.

My eyes flutter open at the feeling of the chest, confused because I specifically remember handing him a shirt. He must've gotten hot in the night, because his shirt laid scrunched up at the foot of the bed.

I move my eyes up to his face, admiring his delicate yet also manly features. The way a specific vein in his neck was popped out at all times, the way his eyebrows slightly furrowed as if he was in distress, the way his chest heaved up and down ever so slightly with each breath he took.

I slowly sit up, my movement causing the boy besides me to stir in his sleep. I carefully get out of the bed, readjusting the blanket on top of him before I slip out of my bedroom and head downstairs.

My mother sat on the couch with a book in her hand and her reading glasses rested on the tip of her nose.

"Goodmorning, mom." I swiftly sit on the armrest of the couch.

"Hey, sweetheart." She looks up at me in acknowledgement with a warm smile before returning her focus to the book.

"Where's dad?" I ask in curiosity, remembering what JJ told me last night about him and John B going fishing.

"He's out fishing with Ward. Giving Sarah's new boyfriend a hard time." My mom chuckles lightly.

"When will they be back?"

"They've been out since sunrise, I'm sure they'll be back in an hour."

"Right." I take a few moments to think to myself, before hopping back up the stairs and into my bedroom, where JJ now sat awake in my bed.

I laugh slightly at the look of his morning hair, his dirty blond strands frayed in every direction.

"What's so funny, princess?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Your hair." I bite my bottom lip to hold back my smile, walking over to him and placing myself on the boy's lap. I ruffle his hair with my hand, only making his blond mess messier.

"Yo, yo, chill! My hair's beautiful." JJ says jokingly, jerking his head away from my hand.

"Subjective." I say with a shrug, seeing a scowl form on his face which caused me to laugh.

"The fuck is subjective?" His head tilts slightly.

"You would know if you went to school for more than two days in your life."

"School is bullshit." He places his hands firmly on my waist and lifts me up like it was lightweight, placing me besides him so he could get out of bed.

"We have an hour to kill before my dad comes back. What do you wanna do?" I sit on my knees, peering up at the tall boy who admired himself in my mirror and tried to fix his hair.

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