chapter ii.

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I watch JJ's eyes fall on Kiara

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I watch JJ's eyes fall on Kiara. Then on me, as if he's making a difficult decision.

Please, look at me. Kiss me.

JJ suddenly gets up, walking over to me with a smile. He leans over, grabbing my chin to make me look up at him. "What about Rafe?" He whispers.

"Fuck Rafe." I said, putting my hand on the back of JJ's neck and pulling him in, our lips connecting.

Normally I'm not the type to, ya know, cheat on my boyfriend. But it was in the heat of the moment. And I had like 20 of Jay's weird cocktail mixtures.

But something about this moment just felt so perfect. Maybe it was the song that had just switched on, but god I didn't want our lips to separate.

You're mine,
And we belong together
Yes, we belong together
For eternity.

"Truth or dare, Kie?" I ask, now comfortably sitting besides JJ with his arm around me.


"Why don't you like me?"

Kiara just gives me a blank stare, as if she'd been caught doing something wrong.

"Well?" I ask, waiting for an answer as I could feel the glare of all the boys on me.

"Well, because you and your little friend Sarah are backstabbing bitches." Kie spits out.

"You talk a lot of shit considering you and me are pretty alike." I say with a smirk.

"Please, Jules, we are nothing alike." Kie scoffs.

"Really? We're both two girls from Figure Eight who are rebelling against our parents because we wanna feel something."

"John B." Kiara turns to him, hoping someone will have her back.

"She got you there, Kie." JJ says with a shrug, taking a swig from his beer.

"You're only agreeing with her because you wanna get in her pants." Kiara retorts.

"Everyone shut up!" Pope says, the only one who's been minding his business the whole time. "It's pointless. We're stuck together all night."

"Yeah, you guys are ruining my high." John B mutters.

"Then I'm going to bed." Kiara says, standing up and slamming her beer bottle on the coffee table and heading to one of the two guest bedrooms.

"Yeah, I'm out." John B gets up too, heading to his room.

"Well I'm not sleeping on the couch." I say quickly, walking to the last bedroom. "You boys figure it out." I shut the door and take off my shirt, leaving me in my bikini from earlier.

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