chapter iii.

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"No, no, no!-" I yell, grabbing a tennis racket lying on the floor and running over to the swarm

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"No, no, no!-" I yell, grabbing a tennis racket lying on the floor and running over to the swarm. I run around my backyard, probably looking psycho as I jump in the air to swat away the birds that were feasting on the mice.

"The birds need to eat too, ya know?" A familiar voice yells out.

"I don't care! It's like mouse genocide out here!" I yell, not even bothering to look at whoever was talking to me while I continue to run around.

I eventually run out of breath, dropping the tennis racket and sliding down against a tree.

"Gave up?"

"Shut up, John B." I yell, getting up and running along to dock to catch his boat before it passes by. I sit at the edge of the dock, my legs dangling off.

"Whatcha doin' with those?" I say, furrowing my brows as I notice the multiple oxygen tanks and diving gear, all labeled 'Cameron'.

"Oh ya know, he let me borrow it.." John B says, a sly grin on his face.

"Did he, John B?" I give him a look, letting him know I don't believe him.

He glances around before slowing down his boat. "You know Lana Grubbs missing husband?" I nod. "We found his Grady White and JJ thinks some valuable shit is down there, so we're gonna go check it out."

"Can I come?" I ask, a hint of excitement in my voice. I watch the hesitation in his face. "Pleaseeee?"

"Sure." He smiles lightly, holding his hand out for me to get in.

We navigate our way back to the dock by the chateau, where JJ, Pope, and Kiara were all waiting for us.

Kiara's eyes widen as soon as she sees me. "You told her!?"

"So what?" John B shrugs.

"This is a pogue thing. How do you know she's not gonna snitch?" Kiara glares at me as she sits in the back of the boat, JJ next to me and Pope by Kiara.

"Oh I'm the snitch?" I say, my voice getting louder. "You're the fucking snitch, bitch!"

"Woah, woah what?" JJ pipes in confused.

"Yeah, this dick-riding bitch told Rafe we slept together." I spit out.

"Yeesh." John B mutters as we head to the marsh.

"Of course I told him. Because even Rafe fucking Cameron deserves better than you." Kiara says, standing up.

I can feel tears brimming my eyes. I always cried when I was angry, it was just a habit. My body began to sweat from the hoodie I was wearing, but I knew I couldn't take it off.

"Kie, you don't know what you're talking about." JJ speaks up, putting his hand on my knee for comfort.

"Once again, why are you defending her!?"

"Because she's not acting fucking insane!" JJ yells back, tightening his grip on my knee.

I use my hoodie sleeve to wipe a small tear, quickly pulling myself together as the boat comes to a stop.

"John B, you brought empty tanks?" Pope says, checking all the tanks. "Oh, this one's a quarter full. Enough for one person."

"Love it when a plan comes together." JJ mutters.

"Does anyone know how to dive?" Kiara asks.



"Well I read about it so-"

"Great, Pope read about it so someones gonna die." Kiara sighs.

"I'll do it." I speak up, seeing Kiara's lips form into a smirk.

"Are you su-" JJ starts, a concerned look on his face.

"Positive." I say, standing up and pulling my shorts and hoodie off. "Anything to get away from this bitch." I say under my breath.

Pope begins to put this weird gear on me but he abruptly stops.

"Jules." He whispers. "What the fuck."

"What?" I say confused as he takes a step back, everyones eyes on my neck.

JJ stands up, slowly walking over to me. He grabs my neck gently, rubbing his thumb over the bruises and very clear nail marks.

I quickly push him off me, turning and jumping into the water before anyone can say a word.

I swim down to the boat, looking for a cargo hold. Whatever that is. I eventually find a weird compartment and pull it open. I pull out the black duffel bag that rested inside and begin to swim back up. I grab the anchor chain as I'm about halfway up to check how much time I have left.


I look up at the surface, seeing another boat parked right beside ours.


Suddenly, a figure looms over the edge of our boat, staring straight at me.


The figure stays there until I hear the timer beeping and flaring a red light. The figure finally gets back in his own boat, and the boat departs.

Once it's far enough away, I quickly swim up.

"Julie!" I hear JJ yell frantically.

I pull the mask off my face, gasping for breath as I cling onto the side of the boat.

He reaches down and grabs my waist, lifting me up onto the boat. I drop the duffel bag besides me and shrug off the gear that Pope put on me.

I sit at the back of the boat, farthest away from JJ as I catch my breathe.

"Good job, Jules." John B says, rubbing my back gently.

I give him a quick smile, before grabbing my hoodie off the floor and putting it on.

John B begins to open the duffel bag as Pope sits besides me, JJ and Kie sitting together at the opposite end of the boat.

I watch JJ staring at me, but his eyes aren't on mine. They're on my neck. Self consciously, I wrap my arms around my body, hugging myself.

John B pulls out some dumb compass from the duffel bag that I literally fought a war for. But he couldn't seem to take his eyes off it. At least everyone forgot about my neck.

"We did all of this for a dumb fucking compass." Pope sighs, exasperated.

"Guys.. this was my dad's." John B whispers.

pls give tips n criticisms!!!
i promise next chapter will be longer
js pretend the gif dont got a mermaid tail in it alr

xoxo, Jas

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