chapter xiii.

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"Juliette May Thornton, what the hell is going through your mind?" My father shouts, seeing me in my drunken state, showing up back home at 2am after being missing for 4 days

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"Juliette May Thornton, what the hell is going through your mind?" My father shouts, seeing me in my drunken state, showing up back home at 2am after being missing for 4 days.

I just stood and stared, knowing that anything that came out of my mouth at this point would land me in even bigger trouble.

"Honey, go get sleep, we can talk in the morning." My mom says soothingly, rubbing my back as she gently pushes me upstairs.

"No, Camille, we can't keep treating her like she does nothing wrong! This is why she never learns." I hear my father yell to my mother in the distance.

Their bickering continues for awhile, but dies down after I take a long, long shower.

I lie down in bed, my sober thoughts overtaking my drunken body.

What if JJ successfully snuck out?

That means he's probably with another girl.

What if he didn't?

What if Rafe hurt him?

What if?

I'm sure he's fine, I'm overreacting.

My eyes shut themselves, feeling every unwanted thought leaving my brain.

"Honey, get up." A gentle hand pats my side as I burrow myself under the bedsheets.

"I don't want to." I grumble, keeping a tight hold on the covers over my head.

"Your father and I need to talk to you." My mothers voice was stern and serious, so I knew I shouldn't push my luck with a snarky comment.

I drag myself out of the comfort of my queen sized bed, slowly walking down the steps with my mother besides me, seeing my father sitting at the table with glasses rested on the tip of his nose.

He waited for me to take a seat on the couch before he began to speak.

"You've gone too far with your rebellious act, Juliette." Mr Thornton shakes his head in annoyance.

"I'm seventeen, I can't stay with my friends for a few days? Plus, we live on an island. I'm always within like, a five mile radius from you." I roll my eyes, slouching down in my seat.

"Honey, me and your father have decided it's best that you don't hang around those kids anymore, they aren't good people."

"That's not fair! You don't even know them. They're way better than those assholes from the academy."

"You know what their parents are like. It's safe to assume that they act the same way." My dad says sternly.

"Mom, you can't let him do this." I whip my head around to my mom, since I've always relied on her to get me out of trouble.

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