chapter xi.

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"JJ!" I call after him

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"JJ!" I call after him.

He continues trudging forward, ignoring my pleas for him to come back.

"JJ, please!" I yell, exasperated.

He stops in his tracks, standing still as he waits for me to catch up to him.

"Jay.." I gently place my hand on his back.

He whips around to face me, immediately causing me to retract my hand. "You don't get it, okay? I don't have my daddy placing money in my hand anytime I want. I just-" He looks down at me, seeing a mixture of fear and sympathy sprawled on my face. Rolling his eyes, he pulls me into a hug, resting his chin on top of my head.

Shocked by the act of kindness after his outburst, it takes me a few seconds before I fully embrace him back. "I know. I don't get it. But I'm trying to understand, okay? You're my best friend. I just want what's best for you." I whisper.

Silence filled the air, indicating he was waiting for me to keep speaking. I was unaware that the sound of my voice was one of the very few things that soothed him.

"Just please, don't run off like this." I beg.

"You heard them," He chuckles lightly. "They're sick of my shit. Don't worry about me, Julie. I'll be back later." JJ pulls away from the hug, and without saying another word, he heads off.

The drive home was filled with the sound of Kiara and John B in the front seat, happily singing along to reggae music.

We had the drive through the kook neighborhoods in order to drop Kiara off at home, and since the Twinkie was so worn down, it kinda drew a lot of attention.

As we round the block in which Kiara's house was planted, the sound of a roaring motorcycle behind us caught all of our attention.

I look out the window, seeing Rafe Cameron in his stupid khaki shorts on his red motorcycle. He swerves in front of the van, causing us to abruptly stop or else we'd hit him.

He turns his engine off and plants his two feet on the floor.

John B opens his door as he's about to jump out and give Rafe a piece of his mind, but I quickly stop him.

"No, no, no, no. John B."

"What?" He snaps back.

"Let me handle him." I sigh, getting out of the car and walking over the Kook King himself.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shout, making my way over to him.

"There she is! Little Miss Perfect!" Rafe yells, taking his motorcycle helmet off.

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