chapter xviii.

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I didn't even bother to turn around, I knew who it was

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I didn't even bother to turn around, I knew who it was. I sat in silence as the young man approached me, taking a seat besides me.

"May, I fucked up, okay? But I need that fucking money."

I look over at the saddened boy, analyzing how his tattoos faded into his bruises.

"Bar, I'm sorry. But we already spent the money," I take a moment to think before continuing. "I'll help you earn it back. I'm not sure how, but we'll do it together." I place my hand on top of his, smiling at Barry as he continued to stare down into the sand.


"Pinky promise." I hold out my pinky, smiling once he connects his with mine.

"You just let random people in your house everyday?" I sprawled out onto the beaten up couch, watching as numerous people came barging into Barry's home to do some type of drug.

"Whatever brings the money in." Barry chuckles, blowing out smoke into the air. He sat at the foot of the couch, letting me rest my legs on his lap.

Kooks, pogues, tourons. They all came piling in. Older, younger, male, female. I guess everyone's just a little fucked up.

"Yo, Barry. You ain't introduce me to your girl." A man who looked around Barry's age who was covered head to toe in tattoos nodded over to me.

"That is not my girl." Barry laughs a little, emphasizing the word 'not'.

My face distorts into a shocked expression. "You say that like I'm ugly or something." I frown.

"Don't get me wrong May — you're beautiful — but you're like family." He pats my legs gently, giving me a wink as he leans back into the couch.

"So she's single?" The tatted man asks.

"Yep." I mutter, noticing the warm smile on the mans face turning into a devious smirk.

"I'd like to see what I can do with that ass." The older man chuckles. I've never seen Barry jump to his feet so quick before.

"Yo, get out before I beat your ass!" Barry raises his voice, hovering over the man and pointing to the door.

The man just cowered in fear, not moving a muscle. "Get out!" Barry repeats, this time yelling.

He scrambles to his feet, throwing his cigarette to the ground and quickly walking out. I couldn't help but laugh at the interaction, I find it cute how protective he is.

UNHOOKED ; jj maybank.Where stories live. Discover now